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A member registered Jan 21, 2024 · View creator page →

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Hello! Thank you so much for playing our game and giving us feedback!

I am aware that the difficulties of the different minigames are not quite balanced. I'm planning to add different difficulty options to these minigames so that players can have a balanced experience and are equally motivated to play all the different games.

Including pictures in the instructions is a great idea! Tbh I rushed the whole instruction thing last minute so had to go for pure text, but I will be adding images to the instructions so they are easier to understand!

We are also compiling a list of bugs and are working on fixing them. So I hope the background bug will be fixed in upcoming patches.

Thanks again for supporting our team and the game! Stay tuned for our future updates!

(1 edit)

I see. This seems like a new issue. We will work on fixing that too. Thanks for letting us know!

Glad to hear that it's working better!

We're working on fixing the input and streamlining the content after a1c3_2. That's why you are experiencing the bug you showed in your second edit as that scene is yet to be fixed. And yes, there is currently no content after the ball. We are working on that too!

Could you describe what happened around the time the game crashed after you played the minigame? Did you play it in the free time zone and how many turns remained (aka how many games have you played in that zone before the fan one)?

Thanks again for playing our game and providing feedback!

Sounds good. Please let us know how the reinstall went!

(2 edits)

Hi Mike thanks for playing our game and giving us feedback!

From the errors that you described, I suspect the version you played is not the latest build. 

Please download our latest version (should have a timestamp that says "15 days ago") and check out this devlog as well as this one to learn about how to clear your save files if your game crashes!

Please let us know if you have any questions or if the errors persist. Thanks!

Thanks for trying it out! I think it might be a compatibility issue since our game is experiencing some performance issues.

We are working on releasing a compatibility patch that will solve this issue across different hardware. Please stay tuned to our updates!

(1 edit)

If you are redirected back to the menu after the convo with the brother before the ball, that means you have reached the end of the intended content. We have only streamlined the game up to that scene. You can play through the later scenes, but you might experience bugs. We will be working on those content next.

Feel free to load any save files to replay any parts of the story. Hope that helps!


We have just released the newest patch earlier today. Did the same issue happen in this patch?


We have released a version that improves the performance of our game. Please check it out if you are interested!


We think that it might be a RAM issue. We are working on improving the performance of our game and will release a patch to address that soon. Please stay tuned for our update, thank you!


The initial launch will take a while and even appears to be frozen. Could you try relaunching and waiting for up to a minute? Let us know if that works. Thank you!