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Duck Quest

A member registered Feb 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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A duck after my own heart!

I'm not sure why I don't have it uploaded on yet... but it is going to be available as a book soon, released through Exalted Funeral as The Owlmanac... a compilation of 4 zines; ShadOwlDark, ShadowDuck. ShadowBark, and ShadowPork.

Thank you! Dave Spencer is the cover artist.

Thanks! Word play and puns are my jam!

I've failed myself. Basically, the Fighter needs to stay the best option for Fighter... etc. A practically impossible goal. Any new Class runs into this issue, because this is the nature of homebrewing. The monk would probably be better as d6 hit die, not d8, due to all the fancy skills and talents they have. I think I broke this advice myself. I like your monk.

Well, that's handy! ;)

I think this deserved more votes. Well done.

Hey, thanks Cameron!

Thanks Bad Wolf!

Thank you!

This has a lot of great ideas! Well done!

This is a real treat! Love your work!

This is a clever and handy one page tool for Shadowdark characters! Who is your artist?!

Drop Bear! Lol. The Ozzie terror! The Koala on crack! Brilliant!

This is a solid class. I dig it. Wonderful art too!

Nice one! Some suitably otherworldly patrons for practitioners of the dark arts!

This is a solid random table generator based on where a character is from. Brief and to the the point descriptions. Great stuff!

I like this Monk. A lot of thought into mashing the right elements together. Part homage to D&D, and partly movie monk magic. Slightly OP, but let's face it, most homebrewed classes will be. That's the nature of power creep. Overall I reckon playing this monk would be a blast!


You're a champion! Thanks!

Thanks! I could've mentioned Midasaur being a cash cow?

Thanks a lot Mike! This is going to be an encounter to remember!

Hey, thanks David! I commissioned Dean Spenser to alter one of his stock art pieces. I think it was definitely worth it!