Aren't we all just overgrown sperm?
Dude Guy Man
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I don't even know or care at this point. Even if it sucks people will consume amogus content. Even if we hate it we will click on it. Even if we want it gone we will download it. It is a never-ending cycle of systematic torture and it will never die. Among us could become a hate group and you could watch them murder everyone you love and the only thing you'd be able to do is say "red sus" and laugh like a homicidal maniac. It will consume your reality and insanity will grow past all of your morals and mortal form and before you can even transcend your soul will wander mindlessly, purposeless and left to wither away until you are eradicated from the concept of existentialism. Run away now before you let a red spaceman decide your fate of inevitable doom and suffer.