Ah, I see, that makes sense.
I couldn't be sure if it was something like that which got corrupted or some kind of header part, but yeah, I suppose I should have figured ;)
Anyway, I'm still very grateful for the fix, thank you!
Awesome, thank you!!
And don't worry about the wait, I definitely don't mind if it means the release of the next version approaches faster :)
Mh... some things aren't working the way they did before. I wonder if it's because the 3DN broke or because it was made with an older version of the emulator. Either way, it's no big deal, I should be able to fix it all up with another playthrough.
Yeah, this is also a problem for Metroid. I initially tried doing the same as suggested above, selecting foreground and increase the zscale... imagine my surprise when I reset and saw the password screen. All numbers from 0 to 9 were stretched like crazy. And if I applied the same treatment to the missile icon missiles in-game would probably also get stretched like that.
Now with Metroid there's hardly any backgrounds at all, so it'd be possible to move everything except the meters to the background... but it just looks off.
So yeah, along with back and front it would be best to also have fore-front.
In fact, I'd take it a step further and add "far back" too, for those cases in which the sky is threated as an object (see level 3 of Castlevania or the background of the underwater levels in Mario).
Don't know about fragmenting, but an idea for merging could be allowing players to select multiple objects at once by holding down ctrl and providing a merge button.
Being able to select multiple tiles would also be useful if there's several things that one wants to change in the same way (say several characters of the game's font). You could just select them all and change them to char, cube or whatever in one go.
Edit: Actually for fragmenting there could be a fragment button that, when pressed while having something selected breaks it down to the individual tiles?
Just throwing around ideas, of course I don't know if any of this is actually doable within the system currently in place.
Ah, so it's a known bug. That certainly explains it as I was using v1.0
It would be great if you could fix the file... but only if it doesn't take too long. I wouldn't want to rob you of precious time that could be used to improve the emulator further. I'm sure the community would have you work on that rather than fixing some dude's 3dn file for an obscure version of a popular game.
That said, if you can fix the file and it meets the required quality standards, I would be happy to submit it to the repository :)
It is yes. Castlevania was originally released on Famicom Disk, but like Legend of Zelda it was later given a cartridge release too. This is what I've been playing. It's almost the same as the western release of Castlevania except for the title screen and the addition of an easy mode.
(Note the copyright dates)
Here's the 3dn
Hold on... .BAK?
I'm not familiar with this extension. Is that just how you rename files to keep them as backups? (Me, I just copy them indifferent folders) Or did I completely miss a file type the emulator uses?
Anyway, I do still have the back up and I'm certain it has the same name as the game since I didn't change the name at all and when I tried copying it back into the games' folder and booting it up to then save some changes from the otherwise default appearence of the game, the copied file went from being 8mb to 400kb... so yeah, it definitely was overwritten.
Really weird, isn't it?
Tried rebooting, nothing. By uninstall and re-install, you mean delete the directory and files and then extract them again from the zip file? If so, then just tried that (also gave the new directory a different name just in case). Unfortunately it didn't help.
Thankfully though, the other games I made 3dns for are still okay, I was afraid moving the games directory might mess them up too. I'm guessing what caused the problem was starting up the game while the 3dn was gone (strange as that may sound).
Guess I have to start over with that game :\
Greetings everyone,
I'd like to first say this emulator is absolutely incredible, thanks to all who made this possible!
Now on to my problem: I decided to make my own 3dn file for Akumajo Dracula (the cart version, the one with the difficulty selection). I don't know if the Castlevania one publicly available would have worked or not, I was doing it for fun really (I'm that kid that would spend hours messing with the colors while playing with the Super GameBoy).
Today I had a friend come over and wanted to show him the difference when playing the game with no customized 3dn, so I took the 3dn file out of its directory and showed him the game without it (I made no modifications nor did I save a new 3dn).
I then shut down the emulator and put the 3dn file back in the proper directory, booted the game up... and it still was like there was no 3dn file at all.
I immediately shut it down again, made a copy and tried several things, such as editing a couple things and saving (overwriting) the 3dn file (making it go from 8mb to 400kb) to then copy and paste the back up to overwrite the changed file. I tried creating an all new 3dn file and replace that with the back up.
No luck, my old 3dn that I put so much effort into (played through the whole game twice to make sure there were no unresolved issues) simply will not be loaded/recognized.
Can anyone help me out? Or should I just accept that, somehow, I unwittingly flushed hours of work down the drain?