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A member registered Mar 19, 2023

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will this ever be on steam

will this be on steam

Cant wait!!!

im going insane looking for the third panty

theres no way


is this going to go on steam

its well made and short

i dont like vore but i will try it out

but also a real possibility

I hope they're not dead

its been two years


will this end up on steam

bro 1 hp but i got to the end why was this so hard

will this go on steam

still dont know when to slice the demons

Cant wait

v( ;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)v

its a shame i really liked the designs

better end up on steam eventually

this better get more stuff and get onto steam

you should put this on steam


now its fixed idk what happened

wait in the first gif the potion timer is slower did something mess up

(2 edits)

yo way to fast you should have an interactive tutorial or at least let it ramp up in speed

i got 9 so far

i dont know how to do the healthy pancakes

(1 edit)

pls come back alive and finish the game then put it on steam

pls tell me how to do anything other than walk and jump how do i interact

more game or me when it comes depending on what your asking

so much love and rage playing this game w gooseworx

well at least its coming

a lot of potential but the graveyard is impossible because it doesn't always read my imputs

when next update

man it really brings the og video to life

dude i saw a video on this game or the old version years ago but i couldent find the game and now ive found it

thats unexpected