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A member registered Oct 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh this story has years to develop, so you might be following for awhile lol As for a straight up story version? Ehhhhhh maybe. I think a lot of the visual gags would be lost in the writing instead. Plus would be more of a thing for after it was all said and done since the story is still unfolding a bit lol But maybe a good thought for the future :V

Thanks for reading and enjoying it!

But yeah, I'm simply trying to lessen the burden I have to do to keep up production (and my sanity) while keeping at a reasonable pace. I'm busy enough with my full time job and RL has other plans to so at some point, something had to give or I would have given up... well, everything.

For now I would just use Joiplay

Kinetic VN, yeah :V There are a few choices here and there but nothing too grand or sandbox-like. At least atm.

*Shrug* maybe. It's not an easy fit in a story like this as much as I'd probably like it. If there was a poll, it would be on the Discord where a majority of the active people are.

Thanks for liking the vn so much :V But yeah, don't worry... Kendra is gonna get nice things. And bad things. It's just how things be :V just like every character of course lol but yeah, if you like what I have so far, you'll be liking what I have for the future :V

Glad to hear! I aim for the story to be, at the very least, interesting lol :V

I'd say give it time or even let it sit a bit and come back a bit later if you're worried. Like yeah, at this point in the story, it's a rather low point for sure. But I wanted to make a stories with highs and lows after all :V Will it stay at a low point for the cast? Nah, of course not. Not my style :V

Oh, I wouldn't worry too much. If you like what I've been doing so far, you'll be loving what I have planned for the future, so no need to fret! :V

I think someone is hurting more lol

Yeeeeees Buba >:V

OoOoOoOoOoOo~ :V

Aw thanks! :V

Dunno. Atm there isn't. Not sure about the future with Tana as a character tbh but we will see :V

Thanks :V

Thanks, I took the time to figure things out so should be good now :V

Well of course lol its not much in this update, but i'll be continuing on of course :V

Aw thanks for the support! <3

The first three were still frames but the latest two are animated, yeah. Basically, i think you just haven't hit them yet lol I got into the animation only recently so yeah, sorry about that lol

I aim to keep you on your toes after all... This is just the beginning >:V

Flies are NEVER alone :V

there will DEFINITELY be more Koko

We shall pray to Dahc for Blub

Glad that you had such a good time! :V

OooOOooOOoOoOOOoo~ you'll just have to wait and seeeeeee~ :V hehe

Also spoilers much? Damn man lol

Lol nah, i get you. But what I can confirm that this is most definitely not the end, but rather the beginning :V And it won't be another 4 months. I've limited my releases to be 2 months, whether complete or not, after what happened for v0.06. So yeah, the latest the next update will be is 6/20 :V

You'll wanna use joiplay :V

I'm really hoping it is :V

I mean, he does hate flies lol

Nah, you can do it on Android. Just use joiplay :V

Nah... it's important to the story :V You can rename the frog though :V

Oh, well, glad that it all got sorted out for you! :V Hope you enjoy the upcoming content :V

I was told that it might be a permissions issue. With that, you'll have to fix the permissions on your end for your Mac. There should be guides to do that out in the web as it's apparently a common issue. Unfortunately past that, I am unsure what else it could be or how to fix said permissions... sorry :(

Man+Man? No. Woman+Woman? Yes.

It's Italian actually lol and yeah, it's supposed to be :V it's just representative of "Elven" basically

You'll wanna use Joiplay but on f95 there should be an unofficial android port :V

Not too sure, as I know that the android ports are a pain and tend to have some weird issues :V I would suggest using Joiplay if you really want it on android.

(1 edit)

Oh? What exactly happens when you try and open it?

I'd consider it the opposite! A great story with not a lot put into it *yet* is incredibly EXCITING! You'll be able to see it, update by update, grow into something even bigger and grander! :V

But yeah, update soon, hope you'll enjoy it when it comes out :V