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Dungeons Studio

A member registered Oct 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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hello, are you using gml? If the answer is yes, I also use gml ... I wanted to know if you know how to use the coil page in gml, or how you can use the wed monetization from gml, I would appreciate your answer

I am somewhat confused with the subject of monetization ... can I implement monetization in the following way?
for example; buy lives, special keys, ramdon chests. Can I use this type of monetization?

can it be a mobile game to be uploaded in html5?

I'm glad you're okay, the truth was I was a bit sad for not having an answer, for a moment I thought that you would have simply abandoned this project ... but what do you mean by seeing the inside? Watch the game?

thanks for confirm!!

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Marcus, justo después de cargar el juego, termina borrando accidentalmente el juego. por lo tanto, no se publicó en el concurso ... ¿hay algo que pueda hacer?

incluso ya firmó el documento

Do I just have to s ign Schedule C?

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Thank you very much for answering my questions ... I am putting my best effort into this video game

I take this opportunity to clarify one last question, I have realized that until now there is not a single game uploaded to the jam ... what do you do if there is only one video game uploaded? Clearly if there is a minimum of 2 I must assume that one of those 2 will be chosen, but in the case of only one, what will happen?

About the documents to be signed, which ones should I sign exactly? in my case I'm developing the video game by myself

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thank you very much!! sorry but here is another question.

1°How long should the game last at least?

2°When will the winner be announced?

3°Are the prices of the IAPs chosen between you and the developer if you win the game? Or do you have something in mind to choose that?

4°If I couldn't finish the game, but I still upload it to the story half, would I still be participating?

I really appreciate your answers !!

Is it necessary to include the powers?

hello marcus !!
I want to ask the following, can I place micro purchases from the game (IAPs)?
 if it can, for whom would that money go?

for example, if I win, would they be for you or for the winner?

!! Well, thank you very much! That information helps a lot

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hola marcus !! He leído la historia de seis palabras, ¿podrías darnos una descripción sobre los protagonistas? ya que en la lectura no se especifican muy bien. Creo que eso nos ayudaría mucho a todos.

Can I use resources purchased from the internet?