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Duo Devs

A member registered May 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback. We had bigger plans but just didn't have time unfortionately to finish it up. There where supposed to be more monsters and  just generally a better gameplay loop.

Lovely game!

Lovely design! Music is great

Nice retro feel. 

Nice retro feel. 

Nice game! Some more polish to the movement and perhaps making the enemies less aggressive for a few seconds on start of level would make it a bit more fair

Hey! Thanks for your comment. We where going for the minimalistic view and where going to add so the player shows some speech bubble or a sad face or something but there was just not enough time.

We had lots more features to implement, but sadly ran out of time due to normal work, family etc.

There was supposed to be a card system of sorts where you just couldn't spam monsters and potions. Gear and skills and whatnot. Guess its for the future :)