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A member registered Sep 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

someday in the distant future. (joke. soon)

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Их можно получить с врагов в пустыне.

No for now, I’m thinking of doing multi stuff somewhere in future versions, but definitely not in 0.6 and 0.7

No, unfortunately, there’s no way you can miss the shark. (I think I can make an alternative to that.)

Thanks for the feedback, I know about this bug and there will be an update coming out soon to fix it and bring a little new feature

Hi. I don’t plan to add playable gender hermaphrodites for now, if a lot of players want this addition then I will add hermaphrodites for the game.

Thanks for your feedback! Could you please drop me your save on our discord server in the #bug-reports channel?

Thanks for your feedback! This bug will be fixed in the next update, which will be released very soon!

in detail?

An update may come out in a week or two or even sooner.

The buttons should be on the lower side.

In the webpage of game, you can play it online.

you need to grow 3 meters tall and when you jump on her bed there is a button - eat rabbit

in the rabbit’s bedroom, you can turn into her when you eat her

You have to eat it and turn into it, and then leave the house, coming to the hallway

GooWeen community · Created a new topic Question Answer

If you have questions about what to do next if you’re stuck, ask. The main thing is to specify at what point you are stuck.

thank you for your feedback! This bug will be fixed in the new version.

I don’t think so, since it was planned as a sort of end game.

Thank you for your feedback. To avoid becoming an ant, you can get away with it. Otherwise, I totally agree with you, I’ll fix it in the next update.

Futa too planned, but you need unlock this.

Yes planned, and will be in the next update

Thanks for your feedback! I fixed these bugs.

Thanks for your feedback! I fixed this and will be soon release fix bugs patch.

Oops. I fix this in next update or in minor update.

Thanks for your wonderful feedback!

About the note, I think I’ll implement it in the next update. About the suggestions: Everything you suggested it will be, but not all at once.

I will soon make a discord server, there you can send your save.

Hmm, very strange. If you can, give me your save. I’ll take a look and fix it.

Try going to the ant store

You have to talk to the soul of a giant ant oracle to find out where the castle is.

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Thank you for your feedback! Of course there is access to the castle.

No definite use yet, so far only for displaying values.

Suggestions: About the first, I agree it really bothers the eye About the second, you have to be an ant to take over the kingdom without it (it is necessary for achievements). If you want not to be an ant, just do not eat him when you meet him. And as for the third, there will be another encounter, such as some enemy or something else.

You can get it from mobs from level 5 and above you’ll get new items, which will be these essences.

Oh. I fixed bug. Sorry

maybe not

Yes, it is bug too.

Thank you for your suggestion!

Yes, it's a small bug, a fix for which I'll be releasing soon 

Thank you! I'm going to be releasing an update this weekend.