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A member registered Oct 11, 2020

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Town of Sins community · Created a new topic Is it just me?

I remember when I just started playing this game I would get an Epic card from the regular boxes at a rate of 1 per 10 or 20. During the event to fulfill one of the quests I had to drop around 800000-1000000 bucks. That's anywhere from 55-70 packs. 

Also I decided to drop some actual cash for the event and bought some gems. When I used to grind free gems I got 2 legendaries out of probably 5-6 packs.  I decided to use some extra gems  to get the gold packs and got 1 legendary from 9 packs. 

Am I just really unlucky? Is this similar to what anyone else is seeing? 

I'll try and check thanks.  Ya 10 is a whole other league. 9 isn't a problem.

Dang I wish, I've had the same cards for a while now. Its weird that it doesn't work in any of my browsers. Maybe it's a system thing. I was hoping I wasn't the only one with this issue

So I started encountering an issue today where if I check my deck the game randomly crashes. This might happen immediately or in a few seconds maybe even almost a minute. Sometimes a  Chrome alert will pop up and say WebGL is broken, so I tried in other browsers and the same thing happens. I then searched for a WebGL tests and it turns out this module on my browsers are fine so I guess the game is broken again. Fights are still working though. If you want to upgrade or fuse your cards you have to be realllllly quick about it.

On a side note, I made it to League 10 in the "PVP" and its pretty much impassible. The game turns it around and the enemy goes first now. This might sound ok until you realize that at this stage the enemy is using fully upgraded Epic/Legendary cards. Them going first means they also fuse their cards first, so you're going to have to switch to a tank strategy and use Trinity instead of Harley . Except none of the available tanks have enough HP or ATK to put up a fight. If someone figures out a new deck strat or pay their win through this wall let me know.  


I've been playing this game for about a month or two and so far it's been enjoyable. I pretty much beat the game so my goal was to collect every card and max them out. After looking through the combo pages and listing all available cards, I realized I'm missing 14/36 rare cards. Now, I'm only talking about rare cards because these are fairly easy to obtain and I have over 260 of them not including cards that I have fused multiple times. Some of these rare cards I have probably 20 copies of. Statistically speaking, with these many cards and copies of the same card, I would assume that I would have collected most, if not all 36 rares. Right now I'm missing almost 40% of them. Are these missing cards not implemented yet? Is the random generation somehow time base? I would like to know before I play anymore since there is no new content and I'm hitting a hard wall with my card collecting. Thanks.

I found out its probably because you are playing on 4x speed. If you start the game at lower speed multiples you can just place your card and skip to the end of turn with the green button. I tested it and the game works fine on 1x and 2x speed.