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A member registered Nov 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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WOW. Just wow. You are talented as fuck Caribdis! You know I already loved OIALT, but this is next level shit.

You've put so much effort into this and it shows. Animations are amazing, the writing and pace is incredible (nothing feels rushed like a LOT of other visual novels)!

I can not wait for what is next and will be supporting you with what I can on Patreon. You are awesome!
I miss Judie but Annie is so adorable; god all of this is just so thought out. WOW, once more.

One of my favourite parts was the game show dialogue and the polygraph test on Carla. Both girls going: "If they only knew I'd be dead!" and the MC going: "I'm fucking dead."

Good humour!

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I have to say Caribdis, this is very special. There's always a longing to see everything in a story; and adult visual novels allow for that.

This is different though, do you remember the feeling after you finished watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy? Or how you felt after finishing all 3 Mass Effect games? Or how you felt after finishing the Witcher 3?

This gave me post-game depression; I didn't want to leave this story.

Thank you so much for sharing this vision with us!

P.S. I fell in love with Judie instantly. I hope you don't abandon this realm of fetish (step/incest)!

EDIT: I hope Mike turned into a movie star or something, he deserves happiness!

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Josh Woodward - I'll Be Right Behind You, Josephine

Have the patch, there is Alabama.

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This is everything I hope for in an AVN. Call me a freak but I have a preference in fetish and this hits perfectly. No straight up banging all the time or endless sex scenes; bonding and building with the LI of your choice. 

Story is really interesting as well, have yet to hit the "dark turn" but am a big fan of anything "superhero-y" or "supernatural" and so far this doesn't disappoint.

 I'm not personally complaining because she is my LI but I did not see a way out of romancing a certain close someone, maybe that could throw some people off? At the same time when an AVN's description's first line is "You and your sister..." it already tells you all you need to know.

AMAZING work Syko134 and I'd be super excited and am hopeful that you remain in this realm of fetish (you know what I mean ;)).


EDIT: Also, the anime style is really good; the animations are extremely smooth and it is just easy to get attached to characters (even the ones you choose not to romance!)

EDIT2: Named my "Iris" "Sophie" after one of my favourite older AVN's "Crusoe Had It Easy".