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A member registered Sep 05, 2022

Recent community posts

Thanks for fixing the download, this odd game has some potential I think with enough work. By the way I couldn't finish level 3 because of fall damage, how do I get to the girl?

The resolution setting doesnt work please fix for better fps its unplayable right now for me

very good game

hey the download doesn't work

good world progress so far but i wish a part of the mainline story can be played

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Hello I was really looking forward to this game because of the feet and it looks really good aswell so far, any update on the status of this project?

very good feet game, not another one I've seen like this out there so respect to you dev! :)

it was good. feet games are always good.

Pretty ok but I wish there were different poses the characters could be in throughout the joi, it sounds like a lot to do for a single dev so its understandable that the game doesn't have too much content.

Thanks for doing God's work man!!

the new scene is amazing thanks, I will donate in the future

YES!! make a scene with footjob or stomping with the domination chip because that makes the most sense also.

Footjob scene please its been so long.. along with thighjob

nice i cant wait to play it!

holy shit 0.8! I will try it later

Hello dev, do you ever plan on making more games?

Thanks this helps. Though after saving a preset to a .sound file it doesn't seem to set my parameters when loading it. Do you need a video of the problem?

Opening preset files doesn't do anything please fix, this is not very usable at the moment

I dont have any money right now but i'll be sure to check it out in the future. Question- will this version be free at a later date?

Ok sounds good

would a change to $2.50 be fine with you? im seeing the 26mb download and idk if it would be worth 6 dollars

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That sucks i wish there was an option to disable all men

Looks good cant wait to play the update

Yea that one is fine if you aren't bothered by the grind. Anything else?

You know what would be cool? you see 300 entities on the radar and its actually a civilization of mini aliens that land temporarily

Can the radar go back to only detecting the player as 1 entity instead of having 4 at the start of the game? Its kind of confusing and it makes it a bit less scary for me

Does anyone know games like this with real porn images but actually good?

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The Ai style is really turning me off, i started following this game because the og style is very good.

Before I install; is there feet content?

I cant wait this game was really good so far

Cant wait for 0.8!

Very good game and character choices

good game!

hello I've gotten to the sex scene on the bed and the part where you go inside her seems impossible to get the red bar all the way up.

I am at the bathtub scene in this game and so far ive enjoyed the story and minigames. This is truly an underrated gem.