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I remember playing "Stay?" and holding it fondly to my chest for hours on end. I can certainly say this - More a Haunting than a History - will be held with the same fondness. You end up feeling connected to each character, in a way. The polyamorous inclusion was lovely - I expressed romantic interest in all the possible characters, but Chris certainly stole my heart. His ending felt like home.
I certainly didn't get all of the endings, I'm sure, but I got many - around twenty four or so - and the hours spent doing so were certainly worthwhile. I liked Esteban at first but Jo ended up absolutely stealing my heart.
Overall, it's an intriguing game with choices that genuinely feel like they have an impact on what follows. Thank you for giving us this experience. <3
*Some people are gay, Steven.
WOW, I relate to Min a lot. I'm a trans boy that went through all of the feelings Min displayed. The hatred for feminine clothing, the violence, the rebellion... My father is far too close to Min's, I'm afraid. I went through such a rough period, trying to find a balance between my attraction towards girls and my masculinity. I loved sports - baseball, actually. Basketball, too. Video games and "boy clothes." Identity was and is a struggle. To finally have a character in a game that I can identify with, that doesn't just get the easy and accepting road because most of us don't.. That's amazing.