How do you get that? she always leaves the interview if you flirt or seduce. And she's so unqualified that there's no real reason to hire her. Do we have to cut off all of her road with company and its affiliates?
Recent community posts
RePost: I actually posted this comment like 11 days ago. You can find it under the Final Demo Update post. But I decided I should also post it on the main page.
Hmm... I'm 3yrs Late... But why not release the game on both apps. Steam and Itch. As far as I know people do sell games on here. Like a lot of people pay on here me included. I don't really buy games on Steam as Im not a PC Boy. I'm a Console Boy. So for games like this I typically play them on my phone. So I dont really mess with steam like that. As I cant download the games onto my phone. I gotta do a whole bunch of extra suff.
Don't get me wrong I know steam is a big platform. Also I'm 3 years late and thusmy opinion doesn't really matter. But I've never understood why so many game developers on here. Prefer to release only on Steam. Like why not do both? Why not release it on Itch and Steam? I mean Unless you're going to make it a 50 to 70 dollar game. I don't really see the point in releasing it exclusively in one place.
Like I get that Steam is a huge market. But like as a console gamer with multiple consoles. I've never understood console exclusives. Like it just seems like a way to lose money to me. As you're missing out on the wider gamer market. I said the same thing about Patreon and SubscribeStar. Just run both sure one may not be making as much money as the other. But if something ever happens to one you'll be glad you already set up and established the other.
With all of that said and done I enjoy the game. I mean I really like it. It kinda reminds of Persona with the art direction and day mechanics. I kinda wish we had more action during the day. Like working in the Hotel taking up your whole day makes sense to me. But if you're just interacting with people... I feel like that shouldn't take up the whole day. I feel like I should be able to talk to 3 girls before needing to rest.
Like a typical college class is like an hour or two. So my day is waking up, catching the train, looking at the Professors ass for like an hour, and then going home to go back to sleep. 😅Like what happened to my day where'd it go? And like look I'm not ragging on you. I'm just saying that I feel the game would be better if we had 3 activities we could do in a day. Like maybe you could introduce a morning, noon, evening/ or morning, day, night type mechanic. This could also help in adding more story content with the girls to flush them out a bit more...
Or vice versa give the opertunty to add more girls to interact with. Maybe add a mechanic that only allows you to interact with a girl once a day. Example if you talked to the Professor in the morning then you cant talk to her in the afternoon or evening. Kinda like the gift mechanic you already have in the game. If you gave her a gift today you cant give her another one. It could be the same thing with talking to her... I hope I'm not coming off as disrespectful or pretentious. I am trying to be helpful and spitball some ideas.
Because you know I do like the game, and I do want more of it. Hence why I said at the beginning I know I'm 3yrs Late. But I'm really hoping that when it's time to release the game on Steam. You release the phone version on Itch. I Will Buy It! It's a good 8/10 game for me which is fantastic. The only downside for me is that the girls feel a bit shallow. Which this is version 24.4 that I'm playing. So like maybe they have more depth now? I don't really know. The Art style is great. The Game Is Fucking Beautiful! To be real with you I really love the shopping system. That's Nice!
The hotel management and customization Is perfect! I Love That! Like that is my favorite part of the game honestly. And the story telling is pretty good. Like while I find the girls kinda shallow. The overall narrative of their surrounding stories or the writing I find really compelling. Example the corrupt school board, and how we convinced a group to stand up against them. Just for the Professor we did it all for to be like I don't want that problem. I still want to know how that story line goes. Because that's a good storyline. Ergo I find the Pachinko Player/ Teachers Assistant a more compelling character than the Professor.
She lost her job, any opertunty to work in her preferred field again, her boyfriend, I think her apartment, and all she had left was pachinko. Until we came and convinced her to take a stand against her oppressors. Just because we wanted to help out our professor. And now she's trying to fight and take back everything she lost because of the schoolboards corruption. Like how would that storyline go. We the player could help by find and bringing her proof and evidence of the corruption. Slowy worming our way into her heart. Like every time she brought up her ex. I was thinking I could help her get over him.
You see right there a missed opertunty for a great storyline. One that we could've been at the core and watched unfold. Missed opertunty for the development of a great character. Rather it was the Pachinko Girl or The Professor. But because the Professor doesn't want that problem. We didn't get to see it. And if we do it's probably going to be because. The Corrupt guy is going to trying to force her into something. And she or we will have no choice but to fight back... Which would turn it from this epic revenge against/ stopping/ overthrowing corrupt oppressors story.
To a save the damsel before it's to late story. Which while that storyline can still be good it's just not as impactful for me. As a lot of ero games have a save the damsel and don't get NTR'ed storyline. I'm rambling... Look the Writing is pretty good. The Art is beautiful. I like the Shopping mechanics. I love the hotel management. But the Girls feel shallow, and the day goes by to quickly for my preferences. 8/10 it's a Fantastic Game! As I said I do hope you decide to sell the phone version/port on Itch. I know a lot of us would buy it. I would buy it.
Hmm... I'm 3yrs Late... But why not release the game on both apps. Steam and Itch. As far as I know people do sell games on here. Like a lot of people pay on here me included. I don't really buy games on Steam as Im not a PC Boy. I'm a Console Boy. So for games like this I typically play them on my phone. So I dont really mess with steam like that. As I cant download the games onto my phone. I gotta do a whole bunch of extra suff.
Don't get me wrong I know steam is a big platform. Also I'm 3 years late and thusmy opinion doesn't really matter. But I've never understood why so many game developers on here. Prefer to release only on Steam. Like why not do both? Why not release it on Itch and Steam? I mean Unless you're going to make it a 50 to 70 dollar game. I don't really see the point in releasing it exclusively in one place.
Like I get that Steam is a huge market. But like as a console gamer with multiple consoles. I've never understood console exclusives. Like it just seems like a way to lose money to me. As you're missing out on the wider gamer market. I said the same thing about Patreon and SubscribeStar. Just run both sure one may not be making as much money as the other. But if something ever happens to one you'll be glad you already set up and established the other.
With all of that said and done I enjoy the game. I mean I really like it. It kinda reminds of Persona with the art direction and day mechanics. I kinda wish we had more action during the day. Like working in the Hotel taking up your whole day makes sense to me. But if you're just interacting with people... I feel like that shouldn't take up the whole day. I feel like I should be able to talk to 3 girls before needing to rest.
Like a typical college class is like an hour or two. So my day is waking up, catching the train, looking at the Professors ass for like an hour, and then going home to go back to sleep. 😅Like what happened to my day where'd it go? And like look I'm not ragging on you. I'm just saying that I feel the game would be better if we had 3 activities we could do in a day. Like maybe you could introduce a morning, noon, evening/ or morning, day, night type mechanic. This could also help in adding more story content with the girls to flush them out a bit more...
Or vice versa give the opertunty to add more girls to interact with. Maybe add a mechanic that only allows you to interact with a girl once a day. Example if you talked to the Professor in the morning then you cant talk to her in the afternoon or evening. Kinda like the gift mechanic you already have in the game. If you gave her a gift today you cant give her another one. It could be the same thing with talking to her... I hope I'm not coming off as disrespectful or pretentious. I am trying to be helpful and spitball some ideas.
Because you know I do like the game, and I do want more of it. Hence why I said at the beginning I know I'm 3yrs Late. But I'm really hoping that when it's time to release the game on Steam. You release the phone version on Itch. I Will Buy It! It's a good 8/10 game for me which is fantastic. The only downside for me is that the girls feel a bit shallow. Which this is version 24.4 that I'm playing. So like maybe they have more depth now? I don't really know. The Art style is great. The Game Is Fucking Beautiful! To be real with you I really love the shopping system. That's Nice!
The hotel management and customization Is perfect! I Love That! Like that is my favorite part of the game honestly. And the story telling is pretty good. Like while I find the girls kinda shallow. The overall narrative of their surrounding stories or the writing I find really compelling. Example the corrupt school board, and how we convinced a group to stand up against them. Just for the Professor we did it all for to be like I don't want that problem. I still want to know how that story line goes. Because that's a good storyline. Ergo I find the Pachinko Player/ Teachers Assistant a more compelling character than the Professor.
She lost her job, any opertunty to work in her preferred field again, her boyfriend, I think her apartment, and all she had left was pachinko. Until we came and convinced her to take a stand against her oppressors. Just because we wanted to help out our professor. And now she's trying to fight and take back everything she lost because of the schoolboards corruption. Like how would that storyline go. We the player could help by find and bringing her proof and evidence of the corruption. Slowy worming our way into her heart. Like every time she brought up her ex. I was thinking I could help her get over him.
You see right there a missed opertunty for a great storyline. One that we could've been at the core and watched unfold. Missed opertunty for the development of a great character. Rather it was the Pachinko Girl or The Professor. But because the Professor doesn't want that problem. We didn't get to see it. And if we do it's probably going to be because. The Corrupt guy is going to trying to force her into something. And she or we will have no choice but to fight back... Which would turn it from this epic revenge against/ stopping/ overthrowing corrupt oppressors story.
To a save the damsel before it's to late story. Which while that storyline can still be good it's just not as impactful for me. As a lot of ero games have a save the damsel and don't get NTR'ed storyline. I'm rambling... Look the Writing is pretty good. The Art is beautiful. I like the Shopping mechanics. I love the hotel management. But the Girls feel shallow, and the day goes by to quickly for my preferences. 8/10 it's a Fantastic Game! As I said I do hope you decide to sell the phone version/port on Itch. I know a lot of us would buy it. I would buy it.
Yea for some reason I dont have the Blackmail option. The only option I had was to delete the video... Do I need to be a bigger bully/ be more well known by Bullies to have that option. I'm playing version 0.957a for android BTW.
Edit: Here’s a screenshot to show you what I'm talking about. Also I just realized there is a version b out. I'm going to download that and see if that fixes it.
Alrighty then... I've recently downloaded this game. And I'm Currently playing V0.5.4. So Everything I say is in relation to this version of the game. First off 8/10! It's a fun & funny game. However I do wish I had more player agency. For example the option between standing your ground (Being Dominant) and giving ground (Being Submissive) is an easy one to put in. The End result can be the same.
But the way we get there can slightly differ. After all we're still the weakest person in the school. So we can't stop the girls from doing what they want. So I'd much rather stand on business as a foul mouthed brat (Dominant Powerbottom). Than a crying wimpy coward (Submissive Bottom).
Another thing that you could add for player agency. Are stats like Stamina, Intelligence, Strength, Charm, Cooking, and Cleaning. That would give us more things to do outside of Kitty's Questions and Grinding Girls. And it could provide more ways to increase your relationship with some of the girls. It doesn't even need to be all of that serious It could be out of 5. And all you'd really need to add is some dialog about others acknowledging our efforts in a condensending way.
And ofcourse all games like this should have repeatable scenes. For example I should be able to ask Sylvia to wake me up in the morning again/ sit with me on the couch. Or offer/ask Lillianna for another massage when she's just laying on the couch, and no one is around. Or even just call/txt Giovanna to meet me in the locker room again. I shouldn't have to go to scenes to replay it I should be able to replay it in game by interacting with the characters. And that's another good way to build up the girls relationships.
Finally the thing that made me right all of this in the first place... Bro one scene is one scene you don't have to break it down into two. I know what your thinking. The dialog or option box broke it up into two... But no that's still just one scene. The Dream scenes are the most obvious example of them just being one scene. The Ava dream scene is one scene, from licking lollipops to being grinded on. Is one scene. If you play the lollipop scene you get the full scene. So why did you break it up into two? For people who want to skip to the choice section? We can just hit the skip button until we get there.
Same thing with the Lillianna dream scene. It's just one you didn't have to break it up between the boobs and cowgirl. If You play the boob scene the cowgirl scene should be included. Scene separation is for different instance interactions. For example Lillianna's massage instance is separate from her dream instance. Because we the players had to do something in between those two instances. We had to move around go to school...
Ahhghh. It just comes off as disingenuous to me. Im looking at the scenes like I got 5 whole scenes with Lillianna and 4 whole scenes with Ava... When really its just 4 and 3 scenes respectively. But you just decided to break the last scene into two. Looking at the blank scenes before playing. Made me think there was more content for these characters than there actually was. Which is disappointing because I really like Lillianna. Her interactions are so fucking good. I wish we had more of her and more ways to interact with her.
But Like I said I'm giving the game a 8/10 it's a good game it's funny and entertaining. Keep up the good work.
Hmm Ok I Played It...
And I Gotta Say...
THAT PROLOGUE WAS FIRE! It literally had everything I wanted in the classic game. Exploration, The Ability To Make Meaningful decisions, a Good Story, and repeatable scenes. Albeit with minor unimportant characters like the lower class demons. But still repeatable scenes.
ALSO I LOVED THE WHOLE CORRUPTING PURE SOULS AND DRAGING THEM DOWN WITH US! I hope those that corrupted both will be able to find both of them in a future update. As I want the darksouls to be recurring characters.
For me who chose to corrupt one. It would be dope if we could summon her as Minion/Familiar or something in the future. I love the idea of having A True Loyal Servant on our side.
Well You Know Besides Nora... That has absolutely nothing to do with demons or their influence. We know that literally everyone else in the prolog was trying to use us in someway Besides HER. The only thing SHE wants is to stay by our side. And I want to make that happen.
You know what... WHY DON'T WE JUST PUT HER IN NORA! Please Snats allow us to summon/bring her to the human world somehow! I Didn't Know I Needed This Until You Showed Me. DON'T TAKE HER AWAY FROM US SNATS!!!
Ahem besides that, GOOD SHIT FAM! I mean honestly Snats you really outdid yourself with this one... I am curious about how us coming back to life is going to affect things. As it is vastly different from simply being in a coma. Because that means our folks thinks we're dead. As the hospital would've had to notify them.
Unless we came back before the hospital notified our family. I don't see how they'll be able to play this one off. As Doctor Tomoe simply being a genius. Infact if she was our primary doctor this could actually reflect negatively on her.
As it would appear she announced us dead prematurely. Or something like that... The only work around I can see... Is if that old lady Ms. Nomura the Janitor was talking about was the doctor that announced us dead... Hmm! Either way Snats I am now eagerly looking forward to the next installment.
Men should have the same amount of options as trans women... Everything you do to a trans woman you should be able to do to a man. Well, you know besides boobjobs ofcourse. Also add pregnancy and dirty sex. I want to piss on people and knock them up... Another thing that could be good down the line... Is Purchasable House Upgrades. Like adding extra rooms and beds to our house. So we can have more of our favorite npcs move in. It would also help if/when pregnancy is introduced... With that out the way it's a good game. I'm looking forward to future updates.
First off I'm going to give this game Twisted World V0.7.2 as it is a 4/5. GOOD SHIT BRO!!!!
My only problem with the current version of the game. Was that there wasn't much to explore. I thought that was going to change after Nora gave us the Dirt Bike. But it wasn't even in the garage which I honestly felt like was a missed opportunity.
We could've went to the Pussycat hideout. To do things with the girls. The whole cop scene with Tomoe could have also happened. With the cop pulling us over about the scratched off license plate, or us speeding. Hell we could've dropped by the hospital to visit Tomoe & Lars. We could've went to the Coffee shop or the Mountain park on our own. Instead of going with Jill.
And most importantly we could've had a whole thing about Nora teaching us how to drive it at night. That would've been a good way to spend time with Nora. And you could've added more little mini events like Rebecca or the Cop. for more repeatable scenes... Also if we bag a bitch allows us to repeat that scene. For example Marta was the perfect chance for a repeated BJ and Doggy scene. Even if there's no new content. We should still be allowed to interact...
Besides that I really enjoyed this game. I really like your work, and I am honestly looking forward to the rework. Not just because the characters look good, but because I've always wanted to exploring Slurpy Town. And it looks like I'll be able to do that to a certain extent in the upcoming rework....
ALRIGHT!!! I've checked out some of the reworked art... And I gotta be honest dawg it's looking good! I mean I really like the art direction. People want talk about a lot of the dudes now looking to Feminine or girly... But like that's how they're supposed to look. The men in this universe are all femboys. While the women are all supposed to be Macho Dommy Mummies. So of course a lot of the female's now look more mature. It's to help them give off that dominant energy. As it's easier to be dommed by someone older than you....
And to be honest they don't even look that old. They look like they're in their mid 20s to early 30s. So saying that they've all been milfified is just insane. Now with all of that said... Lets address the Jeanne situation. I'm going to start this off by saying. That I have not seen what her rework looks like.
However! Jeanne is a Futa, and from what we've seen in the game. Futa's are naturally physically imposing. They're typically bigger and more muscular than the average woman. What off set's this is their more laid back docile personality. I mean just look at Maxine (Marianna's futa girlfriend) or Marta. Maxine is huge like two heads taller than Jill, yet Marianna is cleary in control of that relationship.
Marta is Ripped like she's Shredded beyond belief, her muscle definition easily puts Nora's to shame let alone Jill. And according to her she doesn't even work out. The only real exercise she gets is from her construction job. Still... Her wife Laura is clearly the one in charge. Even Rebecca who Nora absolutely folded. Was taller than Nora. So Jeanne being naturally muscular makes since. And her being taller then Jill also makes sense.
People want to talk about how her size and musculature is going to completely ruin her dynamic with Jill. To which again I point at the Giant Maxine and Ol' Ripped Marta being dominated by the women in their lives. And I don't see why Jeanne would be any different. Besides all of that the reworked Jill looks like a fucking beast! I mean talk about a Brick House!
My gawd man, and she's fine as fuck. Dawg I love Pretty Boss Bitches Bro. And with how Boss like Jill's looking, I can't wait to see what Nora's going to look like. She's going to be so fucking good dawg. And the reworked Jazmin has that hot school teacher/sexy secretary look. That look it's really doing wonders for me. I'm honestly looking forward to the rework. I think it's going to be good.
Well that's Great! A preference setting or an optional quest that ends in a scene that you can back out of. Like if after completing the quest they make it very clear what the reward is, and then give you the option to decline or except. For example... Thank you for finding the herb I was looking for. Let's go to my room and examine its medicinal effects. Or thanks for finding the mushroom I was looking for. I think it would only be right for me to tend to your mushroom. Or Yes thats the book I was looking for... Wow I'd really like it if we tried some of these techniques out. Followed by an option of Yea sure or No I'm good. They could even add dialogs with other characters, or a description about what the item is for/does. To drive it home that this will lead to something sexual. So that when the options come to proceed or back out they're fully informed on what's about to happen. I think either one would work if you ask me. Unless they just skip and don't read the dialog.
I Just want to know if we'll be able to fuck Miyamoto... I mean he's right there in our room. He seems like he's willing to help us with anything and in anyway... Besides that... You can just make all that content optional. Make most of the Females story driven... Then give the people some optional quest for the folks who want that. Just give them a short mini quest, an option to back out or proceed. For those who just didn't realize what they were doing. And then make it a repeatable scene. Besides there's like two other boy rooms that are just empty. It's a whole school but there's only chicks. So obviously other dudes should be put in the story. Besides that our super power is literally sex. So we're basically an Incubus it would fit.
Why is the android version a Visual Novel? Don't get me wrong I don't mind it really. It's just not really a game right now. Normally in Visual Novels like this you have choices you can make. That would lead to different paths, routes, and endings. However... Here the only choices you'll make are if you want too see the trap or futa content. Content that is implied to have happened in the story. Regardless of if you choose to see it or not. Which makes it pointless to not see it, as it feels like you're missing key parts of the story. Like I said I don't mind it, and I even enjoyed the content, that I would have otherwise avoided. If it wasn't for me not wanting to miss anything in the story. However I was kinda expecting a sandbox game. Where you could explore around the house, and apartment. And I was a little disappointed that I didn't get that in the Android version. Like I said or implied I actually enjoyed the VN aspect of it. I found the story and writing to be compelling. It's just that there were a few times when it was obvious to me that a scene was a triggered cutscene. And in those times it became pretty clear to me. That I was missing context from the actual game. But unlike the boy/futa content I couldn't go back and fix that... You know? Besides all of that great story keep it up, and I am looking forward to the next release.