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DynamO Games
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Really fun game bro, but it took a while before I understood how to use the ladder and I really really wish there were checkpoints in the game, like for instance after getting the 2nd blue orb, I would continue from that point instead of starting all the way from the beginning. I'm currently stuck at the 2nd blue orb🥲, I don't know how to pass the red block without hitting it, I tried using the ladder to get over but to no avail. But overall well done 👍. I would check out The InBetween later this week and give you feedback.
👍👍👍 pls check my game out too https://dynamogames.itch.io/droner
I'll love if you give me feedback about it too.
And you can also make it that when the player starts, the red squares are slow and its somehow far from the player then as the player advances and has higher score the red squares are faster and closer to the player. I think this is also a good idea for progressive gameplay and better gameplay experience for people playing the game.