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A member registered Feb 11, 2021

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Fantastic game or e-novel or whatever you want to call it.  Fantastic dialogue and proof reading.  Excellent character development.  Above average graphics, and the explicit scenes are the best I've ever scene.  I know, creating this content takes a lot of time but the story does move kind of slow, that's a factor of the character development and the depth of the story, but also because there are beginning to be too many characters.  I think there were at least five eligible women added in the past two chapters and unless the dev gets some help it will be impossible to tie up all the possible story lines in a satisfactory manner in the next decade.  I'd rather see fewer women and maintain the quality, than more women and see quality drop.

But regardless of my last comment, this is one heck of an effort and I encourage any and all to download and play.

Same happens to me, haven't figured it out yet

Not sure what you mean by a concent women-only game?  Or who would want whatever that is.

I do know that straight guys all want this game, it's fantastic.

Don't be sad, there are gay games for you on this site too, thought only a couple.

Maybe they want it and maybe they don't, but he's pretty much correct about if you have a penis and testosterone you want this game.

Good job, very enjoyable.  I’ll second the comment I’ve seen from others, I’m more than willing to pay on a per download basis but am not willing to subscribe to a monthly fee unless I’m sure the story will be finished and know about when that will be.  I’m not sure if you have that option but if you do please make it available.

Love the game.  The scenes with Ashley are the best I’ve encountered in all the games I’ve played from this site.  Keep up the good work.

(2 edits)

Great game.  Some witty dialogue (careful not to page through the conversations too fast or you may miss it).  Inventive and diverse story line to keep you interested.  Progress is accomplishment based, but isn't made so difficult that you lose interest.   Likely the best game I've found on this site.  The only downside is like most games in this genre on this site (all that I've tried) it is not complete.