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A member registered Feb 26, 2021

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Pretty cool, I combined it with the Key-Lock-style adventure from and have a lot of fun.

Just a side remark that the root of the sum of the 2-digit numbers is the same as just summing all the digits (and taking the root). I think it is still unpredictable enough for me that way but it makes it a bit easier to calculate to my mind.

Ok, I see it on the character sheet now. That is not in the readable.pdf which threw me off track :).

(1 edit)

Great! I like the change of wording to approaches/methods, and the progression of Luck > Wealth > Happiness > Health. As well as making it setting agnostic via the titles. You fail to explain the XP track though.

Wonderful game, even though the organization of the rules could be improved here or there, but nothing really deal breaking. Looking forward to Apawthecaria!

Thanks for your explanations. Totally agree about mixed success!

Hi, some questions:

  • why did you make the "dice" version harder than the "COIN" version? 5+ is 33% vs coin flip (50%)
  • is the "mixed result" bump you get for 3XP meant as a PbtA-style "you do it, but with a cost / hard choice" ?