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A member registered Jul 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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should work now :)

Should be fixed

ohh ok I’ll do that thanks for letting me know 


also running through the app version not the web may help with this issue 

ok so I found if you are running antivirus programs the may delete the .exe let me know if you are running these files and I’ll try to find a solution to this

No you’re fine I’ll keep Researching  this

and when you download it you got the .zip double clicked it and did extract all? I am trying to figure out what happened but let me know if you did that maybe if you did not download it again and extract all

ok let me know if it works or if you are still having issues 

I’m pretty sure that I’m not missing a file it seems to be working for most people send a photo of what’s happening 

Send me a photo or describe what’s happening and maybe I can fix it sorry for the inconvenience

let me know what’s happening and maybe I can fix it

that’s weird is your language set to French? also to fix your problem try :putting the game in a zip by compressing it then put the .zip THE UNARCHIVER on App Store and to do this drag the zip on to the app in your dock then it will pop up and if it asks you a privacy thing or something like that go into settings and approve it. hope it works for you! 

let me know what issues your having like what it’s saying and I will help you try to open it sorry for the inconvenience 

hey let me know what issue it’s having and I’ll try to help I have a Mac too and it should work

That’s awesome you got your meemaw to play that glad you enjoyed it 

let me know if it still doesn’t works. Thanks :)

hey sorry you couldn’t open it on Mac OS try opening it by putting the zip of it in a app like the UnArchiver on the App Store it’s completely free and it seems to work most of the time