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Erik Asmussen

A member registered Apr 02, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi, developer here - I'm a bit confused because people who purchased an early copy of the game on Itchio got a Steam key, as well as all future updates within Itchio, so is there some technical issue that is preventing you from being able to play the full version?

Just updated the itchio builds!

Hi! I'm really sorry about this - I didn't intentionally change pricing or try to deceive anyone, it's just that Steam has default regional pricing adjustments that I enabled by default. This means that the $20 USD beta, which was $20 USD when launched into early access, resulted in different regional prices. Itchio doesn't have that feature, AFAIK. 

So my plan wasn't to charge beta purchasers more, and if it was, I definitely would have let people know. I guess I just forgot about this regional difference. Hopefully the game is worthwhile, and that the earlier peek & ability to provide formative feedback made up for the extra cost.

No worries, I know that game crashes are super frustrating. 

The file I'm looking for is C:\Users[your name]\AppData\LocalLow\82 Apps\Factory Town\output_log.txt. Can you either pastbin it, or hop over to the Discord and send it to me via PM? My name is at the top-right of the discord channel under 'Erik'

Can you join the Discord and post your crash log? I haven't seen many crashes like this before, could use more info. thanks!

The Discord is a great place for this!