I think it's fun to play horror games
面白いホラーゲームですか? 程度に考えていただければと思います
It's the first time I've seen a camera angle, so a game that takes some time to adjust, but I'm still looking forward to it even though it's a demo, so I'm constantly waiting to see when I'll get my head straight! Playtime is also short, so I hope other people try it!
初めて見るカメラアングルなので、適応するのに少し時間がかかるゲーム、でもデモなのにかなり楽しみになっているので、いつ頃に整髪するのかずっと待つゲーム! プレイタイムも短いので、他の方もぜひプレイしてみてはいかがでしょうか!
퀄리티 높게 만들어 논 걷기 시뮬게임 처음에는 뭐하는 건가 했다가 이 넓은 공간에 나 혼자인가?를 상상하면서 게임하면 더욱 몰입되니까 한번 이런 방식으로 플레이해보는 것도 좋다고 봅니다.
Make it high-quality and play a walking simulation game. At first, I was wondering what I was doing, but I thought, "Am I alone in this large space?" If you play the game, you will be more immersed, so I think it's good to play it this way.
I think you took good advantage of the fact that it's a real fear that you can't do anything with a fear game about sleep phenomena commonly called scissors in Korea.
참신하면서 플레이타임도 적절하다보니 퍼즐부분빼고는 재미있게 플레이할 수 있다고 생각합니다.
A game where you play by the difference between when you close your eyes and when you don't close your eyes
Since it is novel and the play time is appropriate, I think you can have fun without the puzzle part.