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A member registered May 08, 2019

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oh ok thanks for letting me know. looking forward to it. the game is amazing.

my bad i was asking if there was a way to make it passed the charmed level?

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is 0.2 the max or do i have to do something. love the characters so far.

very good game soo far

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opinion, i dont think that there should be a game changer to ask if you will kill moira or not. but im not the type to abandon friends ( with benefits ) as well so obviously i wont kill her. i did choose to kill her to see what happens for fun and i was surprised how fucked up it was but its understandable that the jess that loved you for so long stays by your side while the others cant even look at you anymore. the worse part is that your character says, "i made the right choice". then i loaded my save and chose not to kill my friends like i wanted to do anyways :)

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wait im confused. is this women my mom or my long time friend? is the mom thing a joke? im guessing mom because the way she talks.

amazing game. dont give up on us yet :D

new game and already with loads of content. keep it up. i love games like this so i hope you can continue with the good work you have done.

yea they are lol. this will be great.

Dang you did it lol. i dont mind saying one of the things that actually interest me in this story but its the cat references. that stuff is actually a turn on for me -cough-. just saying, good job on the update lol.

i will :)

your game is amazing with a very interesting story for each of the characters. i can not wait for more updates and i also hope in the future (up to you) to add old save compatibility. keep up the good work and looking forward to more content. =)

oh ok thank you

man this game is good and i have to say that its better for my story not to have a kid because i dont want to have a kid and have sex with other girls. i would rather have sex with other girls without a child you see. who knows i might do it but im stuck on the decision. question: does this option ruin anything with the other girls and is the character ( no spoils :) ) ok with it?

also see where this goes is very good too.

those on androids or windows, if you dont want to lose your saves, find the location you stored the game files in then go to game, saves and copy all of it into another folder. try to fix the game and paste it back inside the saves folder when done. always back up before trying anything new.

well untill june 7th it is


thats amazing!


how's 0.10 going? i finished everything except 3 side scenes with no walk through. i cant wait for the next part, especially the police officer. LOL:(*&^