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A member registered Jan 08, 2016 · View creator page →

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I gave this game a shot but I could never get very far without running out of.. jumps? I could never really tell. It really seemed like a fun idea but I could only get so far and then I died because I couldn't jump anymore.

Either way I did a let's play of the game:

Tried out the web version and absolutely loved this game! It felt like the perfect amount of challenging and goofy and some of the puzzles really made me think. The Park level didn't make too much since to me but I eventually figured out what I needed to do. Good job on an amazing little game!

I did a playthrough of the web version for anyone curious:

The prealpha was very fun although I had definitely hoped to see even just a little bit more of the game from it. Either way I am very excited for this game!

This game was really amazing! I never knew what to expect next and the twists and turns throughout the game kept me wandering what might happen next!

I hope you don't mind but I made a lets play of this game (I only followed through with one ending so that people still want to play):

Well this game was nuts. I think I broke it lol

What an adorable little game! This felt so much like classic GB Zelda and those are still my favorite games to this day! I hope you don't mind but I did a lets play of this game. Keep up the great work!

You'd have to pay for it but this almost had a Fran Bow feel to me. I'd definitely check that game out!

Absolutely stunning and creepy game. I backed you on indiegogo I hope to see more from this amazing little series! I NEED to know what happens next!

I did a playthrough of the prologue/episode 1 for anyone curious:


This was probably the funniest indie game I have played in a few months. Are you actually timed or is the clock just there for aesthetic?

I did a playthrough for people curious:

What a fun game!

Is what I would say if I didn't die every five seconds. All in all the game was very enjoyable even if rage inducing :P

whadda jerk! Still a great game either way lol

What an adorable little game! Took me a few tries to finally complete it but I loved every minute of this game! I truly hope to see more from you guys :D

I did a lets play of my experience for those curious:

What an interesting little game! I tried really hard to find the princess but I am beginning to think that there is no princess lol. Either way I did a lets play of the game and my adventures with jacked Toad :D

for someone so proud of their own opinion you sure delete your replies fast and sorry to burst your bubble but most people looking into buying a game dont go to jack and mark since they tend to act way too over the top. They go to jack and mark for jack and mark. Keep living in dream world though friend, I've heard its nice in there.

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you mean how YOU feel lol. Nobody rlse has ever acted like as big as a baby as you are about this and in all honesty thats kind of what indie developers do lol. I've about 90% of the developers of games I lets play and SELF PROMOTE contact me personally too. Dont feel so special buddy its all part of business and marketing and you took the bait pretty hard. You also do realize that "self promoting" helps indie games as well right? You think people are just going to jump up and flat out buy a $10 indie game? No. They want footage. They want game play. They want some kind of proof that this game doesn't outright suck since indie games tend to be a huge gamble nowadays. By "self promoting" I both allow myslef to maybe generate views, AND give hopeful buyers something to watch meaning the game in question has a better chance of being purchased. Not that you'd know anything about the business side of both promotion and game development though it seems. Anyways have fun with commenting on every single comment on here I'm sure you'll pop up in another 21 days lol.

you're really still butthurt after 21 days? I hate to be the one to tell you that 1. you may need a life and 2. spamming EVERY comment this thread won't get anyone, including the developers of the game, to like you, but I guess I will have to be that person. Honestly you've been more of a nuisance than anyone else if I really must be totally honest ;)

So I have never played Undertale but something told me to give this game a shot anyways. I still have no idea what I just played but I loved every minute of it. I might need to finally play undertale JUST to visit this temmie village.

I did a playthrough of my first time ever in temmie village:

I loved this game so much! I really hope that you come back to this one day and add more levels! Each level was so fun to explore and try to figure out :)

I did a lets play of my experience in this game!

I was a little iffy to play this game since I noticed a lot of youtubers seem be getting a few dislikes from their gameplay but being the hopeless romantic that I am I could not help myself. I loved everything about this game and the one time I have a chance to be a total jerk I still feel bad and go the right way in an attempt to win over a virtual character. This game was amazing and I really enjoyed playing it. I can't wait to see what you might come up with next!

My lets play IF anyone is curious (no pressure of course.)

What a beautiful game! The right amount of challenging AND the right amount of fun! Kudos to you and I definitely hope this one picks up!

I did a playthrough/walkthrough of the game:

This game was so funny! I really hope this game gains more steam because I literally LOVED every minute of this game! I haven't had this much fun since I finished Human: Fall Flat :D

I did a playthrough of my experience in this game!

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This game was so weird and fast paced I loved it even though I apparently suck at defeating the dreaded malware xD Great job on this game! I did a playthrough, hopefully you don't mind :D

What an exciting game! It took me a while to fully get the controls down but I really loved this game even for how simple it was :D I did a playthrough of my adventure even though I could never actually beat the game xP

what an interesting game! I wish I had known about this one sooner! The twist ending really caught me by surprise and I loved it!

Vocus Air community · Created a new topic My interpretation

So I know this game is a lot about interpretation and piecing together but one thing that I did notice was a lot of animosity towards politicians from the other passengers. Who was one of the passengers? A politician. One couple seems to hate politicians more than anybody else and it appears as though the child belongs to said couple. Only fitting that the child of this couple be the one to end the Politicians life. I will probably play more of the game to try and piece more together but I LOVED this game and the simple narrative it conveyed. I can't wait to see where this game goes.

I also did a playthrough of my experience for anyone interested:

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I played your game but didn't have a virtual reality headset to get me in the right mood so I uh.. improvised! I loved this game a lot :D

Alright last one I promise. I thought long and hard about what I said with the ideas of giving Bob accessories and since I can't do that yet I DID doodle them on to him. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Human Fall Flat: Batman Edition. Now I truly feel free in this amazing game.

I gave this game a shot but I could never get very far without running out of.. jumps? I could never really tell. It really seemed like a fun idea but I could only get so far and then I died because I couldn't jump anymore.

Either way I did a let's play of the game:

I loved this game so much! It was easy to catch on to and the fact that you show a speedrun time at the end made it that much more interesting! I'd love to see more be done with this game over time or something similar!

UPDATE: I loved this game so much I did another lets play on it. I would love to see the ability to add various accessories to Bob one day. I just really feel like I need to put a cape on him so that he can fall with style. But yeah I think accessories would be an awesome little addition to really make messing with bob fun!

my second video where I explore the construction area:

I played this yesterday and loved every minute of it! I thought it was super weird at first but the further I went the more the game started to make sense. I'd love to see more from you in this art style one day. Keep up the good work!

Why is this game not more well known?! It's literally like Sonic the Hedgehog meets Pusheen the cat and I loved every minute of it!

best $10 I will probably spend all year. This game was so funny I really can't wait to not only beat it, but replay it as well and see what other trouble I can get in to!

Well this was probably the greatest game ever.

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Hey everyone! The official game releases today on Steam so make sure to check it out! I did a lets play which includes one of the new levels: Hong Kong!

Well this was a really fun game! It would so cool to one day see this game get more added to it. Maybe more ships, more people, etc. I loved this game so much I actually played it a few times to try and get all of the deaths :D

I did a lets play if anyone is curious