It got fixed after reinstalling
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Hi, so I have downloaded the latest version and started a new game but for some reason all the action render scenes ar missing like when Nikita shots an arrow to the airship and fighting stuff etc. I'm on android by the way. Am I missing something here, I'm not really getting it. I love this game that's why I wanted a fresh start.
I just finished the version 0.3 and Loved it all the way. But I have a request, can you add some foreplay in H scenes like start with kiss then playing with boobs a little instead of just going straight to blow job or straight up penetration. I just want some build up in this area like you build up your story so beautifully.
I was enjoying the game but had to drop it. Because this version feels half finished. I don't mind finishing game in a cliffhanger or something but it really pisses me off when I can't make choices that is said will be available in the future update. Like Amelias love path is locked so I'm forced to choose one path knowing full well there is another path available. Similar thing happened with Davient Anomalies (Which is a dead game so basically it has restricted paths) . Anyways If you can't make all choices available from the get go I would prefer the entire section to be left for future update.
SPOILER ALERT! I really thought mike was dead and reloaded the game, did the mission alone but at the end I couldn't bring all the girls with me and the ending felt empty. Then I thought I saved Stabby Mike he should have been here to help me with this so I tried the mission again with mike and finally realized how silly that was of me I completely forgot clarice gave him a cross to wear. But getting the happy ending felt much more rewarding after all the confusion. It was a great game thanks for giving an awesome experience.