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A member registered Jun 14, 2021

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Very good at drawing you in and enjoyable to create different arrangements to see what works best. The "3 in a row" upgrade really encourages interesting layouts. The exponential scaling of prices is great at first, but past a certain point it doesn't keep up with your point gain acceleration, so the game slows down to a halt. I'd've liked to see the prices cap out after the infinity dice, so that you can start to really go crazy and fill the entire board in the postgame; I think that'd also well display the effects of an ever growing factory, where eventually you might be able to buy dice as fast as you can play them. Really good job, well done.

Very nice game. I liked the escape ending and how that was hinted at but I'm not sure what the symbol is supposed to be? Kinda like a question mark but not. What am I missing? I liked the mysterious nature of the game where you have to figure out the mechanics yourself, tho I can see why it's got some people confused and not knowing what to do. All in all a great little game.

Ah! That makes sense, and makes the game a lot more fun. I missed the tutorial text on the first few levels, since it's quite subtle at the bottom, and when I noticed that text in later levels I assumed it was always just cool dice facts. Can't fault the game other than that minor communication thing tho; absolutely brilliant work.

If there was a way to make choices or in any way or play a game, I couldn't find it. All I could see to do was press the button and see what happens

Great puzzles, and very nicely introduced mechanics. Would've loved a back-one-move button a la Baba Is You, since needing to reset for every movement mistake meant that enacting a solution was sometimes frustrating even after you'd worked it out.

Movement feels loads better, and making switching polarity a main mechanic makes the game feel much more magnet-y.

My main criticism is that I really dislike the level automatically ending when you collect a key; it feels like it's taking control away from the player, and training myself to not assume I'll need to find a way out once I've got the key is difficult. It feels strange to knowingly throw the player character into a pit I know it can't get out of just to pick up a key.

There's also a few things that don't work the way I expect them to be looking at them/interacting with them. Throwing the magnet into the pipes is fairly clear what to do but feels disconnected from the rest of the mechanics; perhaps it would be better if pipes are only there to produce magnets and you could throw the magnet onto a switch to open doors or something? Using a mechanic that already exists in the puzzles. Then it felt strange to me that the magnet could fall through certain platforms that the player character can't; I assumed they were solid because the robot stood on them, so didn't think of trying to let the magnet fall through.

Then a few quality of life things could be better; a less tedious hub, puzzles that require less hard resetting, etc.

All in all a really good demo with nice puzzles and a massive step up in terms of it being fun to play.