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A member registered Jan 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Out of curiosity, do you have a plan for the Teacher you find? Perhaps have him be infected and turn into a mini-boss, or just see him in the background doing something (fighting, sexing, both, etc.) Maybe he escapes and you meet him later? Just a little "Hey, I remember that guy!" sort of thing.

It would also be cool to find/rescue other survivors. We've already seen like 6 non-infected humans as background in the school. Perhaps a way to save them, or another interactable NPC then just the teacher? I'm assuming that you plan to have the next section of the game be out of the school and into the sewers, but having 1 more interactable NPC in the school would be neat.

Lastly, just going back on tabletape's comment. I agree with everything on it.

Game is Incredible with lots of potential! The animations both with Protag and in background are amazing. Few things:

1. A bug I found is that after you turn on the power, there is a bug where the teacher's dialogue intersects with the doors in his room, which freezes you in place as you leave the room but are unable to finish the dialogue.

2. I would love to see some Gangbang animations. Lots of opportunities to add new stuff with the already existing enemies. (Futa+Futa)(Male+Futa)(Futa+Insect), (Futa+Male+Futa and/or Male), the list goes on.

3. Add some form of Sprint system. The character is very slow and since there is no gallery, it takes walking across the entire school to see some of the stationary animations or encounter a certain enemy again. Just something to make it go a little faster for when you're backtracking.

4. Oral. Personal preferance, goes really handy with the Gangbang I mentioned earlier. Would love to see that!

5. Just a reminder that this is an incredible game so far and can't wait to see it blossom!

The hairstyle of A doesn't seem right to me. I'd do B, but if you want A then make her entirely bald, not "monke".

Shows up at Itch one day

Creates new banger demo out of nowhere

Calls it a side project


Hey LAGS, just wanted to state that although we may be an impatient crowd, its cause we are a dedicated one.

Your work is underappreciated yet loved by those who have discovered it. It goes without saying that HTA, CB, and SurVive, are some of the best NSFW games on the internet, they're only equivilants being Parasite in City & Crisis Point Extinction (IMO). Best fortunes and wishes to you LAGS.


I have three things; a comment, a question, and a suggestion.

1. Annie + Scorpion = BEST F#CKING ANIMATION EVER.

2. A previous user mentioned this,  but there are three missing gallery animations, just after the Annie/Spider and before the Scorpion. Am I missing something or...?

3. In lvl9 with the Ice World, Annie mentions that she saw a Snowman move, implying she saw a Snowman above ground that moved behind Hailey's back. What if you added an animation where after Hailey gets the chest and returns to the surface, you see Annie getting "snowplowed" by a Snowman, and you have to either save her or wait until it finishes before you can end the level. Just a thought.

In order to pass the Goblins in the Orc Camp, you must extinguish the fire they sit by. But be warned... what awaits you past the Goblins is a sight to behold...

Neato! But that leaves another question.

How many updates do you plan to give HTA? Will 3.0 be the last major section?

And what is your estimate on how long the CB Remastered version will take to finish / release? (2 months, 3, etc.)

These are amazing games that deserve more credit then they get!

This game is amazing. There's only one issue... there's not enough! Can't wait for the next update!

Out of curiosity, I know you plan to rebuild College Brawl after HTA, but will SurVive ever receive an update / sequel? 

Oh, last thing; the game froze and logged me out on the Android 3.0 rebuild when I saved Annie from a worm and tried to dialogue with her.