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A member registered Sep 07, 2021

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will do, my friend. the horny tentacles shall wait

(2 edits)

very sorry for assuming. did my point at least get across? / Дуже шкода, що припускаю. Чи моя думка хоча б донесла? (i think this is proper ukrainian, please correct me if wrong) 

because i would love to play a full version of the game / тому що я хотів би пограти в повну версію гри

if what I am seeing in this chat is true and the dev isn't working on this, I am sorely disappointed. I love the undertale franchise and would happily download and play this game. I tell you, my russian(?) friend, I see promise in this project. /Если то, что я вижу в этом чате, правда, и разработчики не работают над этим, я очень разочарован. Я люблю франшизу undertale и с удовольствием скачал бы эту игру. Я говорю тебе, мой русский(?) друг, я вижу перспективы в этом проекте.

oh, I see now. time to delete my previous question and delete the demo, since poor person can't access full game (in my defense, I thought the free demo was just covering an under development game. apparently not)

just waiting for when pool is availible to everyone

seeing a lot of dislike aimed at the game. i'm sticking with playing the legacy version just in case. i might switch over if the future updates for the new version get positive feedback

alright, either way keep it up

love the basic idea of the game, the problem is the style. not the art style itself, but how the ladies are drawn with super protruding nipples and such, I find it a bit off-putting. otherwise, I would probably play this.

look forward to meeting this new character

I am seeing a lot of dragon girl requests, and must agree with their idea.

alternatively, I am curious what the kobolds look like

look forward to the next update!

whenever it comes!

sorry to say, but the game is not working for me.

it's a good game, don't get me wrong, but whenever I try to download the latest version, either the download fails, it refuses to let me extract and play because 'too little space", or it takes an abyssmal amount of time to do anything. i just don't know. any ideas on how to help?

I enjoy the game quite a bit (though I still can't figure out how the hell to get scenes like the houndoom and umbreon scenes) and honestly, I think that could use more lewd pokemon games that focus around pokemon/pokemon or pokemon/human sex. either way, good on ya for making this gem of a game!

well, crap.

should have seen that one coming.

still though, the idea of a sequel is very enticing.

haha, now here is where things get interesting!

time to become the overlord of this world!

and then figure out how to deal with the eldritch abomination

hell yeah, I hope to see how you do, mate!

i wish you the best of luck, you one man army!

don't worry mate, we know you're working hard.

I quite look forward to exercising my power as a villain with the conquer system this next chapter!

also, I am asking since they were mentioned during our goblin friend's story, but could kobolds become a one-shot scene, like with the fairies?

thanks for the heads up, mate

this is going to be fun =)

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I will say I quite look forward to more opportunities to break others. what can i say, besides I like to play the villain in some games.

understandable. i am always happy to provide if space ever is freed up. either here or in another game. just ask :)

so just in case you didn't see my reply from last time, but if i can, may i make a character request/suggestion? your choice on if you want to add it of course

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just thought i would ask. wasn't aware it could get you into legal trouble. i have no intention of getting you involved in that

although, i have a potential character idea, if you're willing to listen, whether or not you add it is for you to decide

understood. have a good day

i will say, i am slightly disappointed about the sending children away mechanic. i honestly think it would be cool if you could check on them and see grown up kids having their own adventures (and maybe rare sexy misadventures). instead, i am stuck with a void with the typical dialogue with them with a guilt trip attack when i leave T-T

this game seems promising from what little info i have. character i will pursue the most is likely roxy. she is my favorite of the band. hope your computer gets fixed soon, mate

i honestly think toga from my hero academia could be an interesting one. and maybe just for shits and giggles, five nights at anime characters. because they DO have anime in their name. and i want to have some fun with fnia foxy

looking at these comments, and I say yes. hypnosis is very fun, especially for those who want to bend the world around them to their will~. I truly think hypnosis would be a very nice addition to the game

excellent work, my guy. I am certainly enjoying your project so far, and I can't wait to see what chapter 3 holds. hopefully more chances to go down darker path, because i don't kknow why, but in some games, i just like being a villain. I'm sure I'm not weird like that, right? either way, happy birthday pixie and gang. everyone in the mansion, enjoy some cupcakes                  

i'm stuck. for whatever reason, after i enter the staff tunnel in taverna, it won't let me go anywhere because of a barricade. help?

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cool, thanks for the help, I think the game updated correctly. also, any chance i could know the name of this other game so I know to keep an eye out for it on the site? 

edit: and on the 9th of june (6/9/2022) i have done all i can for now in your wonderful game. time to play the waiting game.

well i think a character who changes appearance and personality as you act good or evil with them would be cool. plus, more opportunities to pick a more villainous path, perhaps more evil oriented magic or more people to use shatter on. also, just so i know later, does the game automatically update, or do we need to somehow do it manually?