sounds great! i really cant wait to see if i can now easily use it in my prototype project, one thing though i want to request i am 3d printing my own weapons and would like to use the new htc trackers to make my weapon tangible any chance you will support that in the future?
Recent community posts
Hope you could setup this project in a way that we can import into epics default vr template I did find that on the UE forum others have requested this also and you responded with:
So, just to clarify, when we started Weapon Master the VR Template from epic did not exist. Yall are recommending I extend from that to get its teleportation and basic locomotion setup? I assume epic will allow that?
From my side totally agree with going with what works just fine no need to reinvent the wheel so please extend from the default VR project ! and by the way Epic market policy allows you to use anything that is provided by epic them selves even if you sell for profit example any assets or blueprints from learning or demo or default project are all fair game you can use in fact its encouraged you can verify that from epic them selves they confirmed it once on a twitch broadcast when I asked about that :)