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Ed Brannin

A member registered Sep 24, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the answer! You might want to make that explicit in the “uncorrected proof copy of this book” paragraph of the store page. :)

Reset also resetting my upgrades is counter-intuitive and senseless. Make it just reset the grid

I was only mildly surprised by the upgrade-reset, but I kinda wish a grid-upgrade would autoplay with the previous cells selected with more space around them.

Neat idea! A few notes:

  • Boat does not get recognized on 4x4 (or not when attached to the lower-left, I’m not sure which)
  • I don’t think the points-per-minute estimate should be affected by upgrade purchases: generally buying something should only increase PPM, but often it goes negative for a bit after buying something.

Wild guess: Affinity lets you declare a variable stroke-width patterns (probably not the right term), so it might be that?

I see the variations are identical between different instances of the same size, like perks/quirks/afflictions.

  1. Thank you for including a printer-friendly version!
  2. I don’t suppose you could upload a middle-ground version: same as the 2-page main version, but no background? For printing at home in color, but without needing to crop the white off the edges.

This is great! I just made a pull request to add it to awesome-ironsworn.

This, and buy-max on the Dealer upgrades.

They both look correct on my end now.

Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

I still see Cairn_2E_Wardens_Guide_Spreads.pdf on this (player’s guide) game’s downloads, and not the players-guide spreads.

Edit: I sent you a tweet with a screenshot.

  1. Thank you!
  2. It looks like you mixed up the Player’s Guide & Warden’s Guide when uploading Spreads to each.
(1 edit)

When upgrading with Attack=5, Defense=2(?), the attack option was visible but the Defense option was not.

Pressing 3 still let me upgrade defense.

Can I push a card from the Top 7 back into the deck?

Or can I only rearrange the Top 7 cards without pushing any of them out of the Top 7?

I too am wondering what all the blanks are in there for – leaving yourself room for expansion? “Unchanged Starforged asset goes here”? Something else?

I’m not actually in the bundle (I don’t really have anything to contribute), but two questions:

  1. Do you have any contacts at MAP? I wonder if they’re taking a while to respond to questions from itch.
  2. Just curious, is the expected bundle end-date still the end of the month, or do you anticipate it moving out a bit at this point?

I’ve downloaded this, but haven’t read it yet.

Suggestion: consider using a common prefix for all the game’s downloads? Otherwise, BA_ChSheet and BlackAcre_42 might not be next to each other in an alphabetical Downloads folder.

(In case it wasn’t deliberate: there aren’t any store-tags declared for this year’s calendar, unlike last year’s)

Welp, looks like my Claim is frozen as-was, but hopefully that will help other people :)

Weird – I see it too if I follow that procedure, and I’ve just downloaded it, but it’s still missing if I click the Download button in the You own this Holiday Zine banner at the top.

The Zine file does not seem to be in the downloads (at the free-claim level), just the other two.

Got it, thanks!

How would you feel about a player-made online, mobile-friendly character sheet & die-roller? And maybe a bit of a noob-card for the basic game loop, page references, etc.

(I haven’t made anything yet. KS backer, I finally started reading it tonight and started thinking about streamlining the record keeping)

(I also thought about map-handling, partly because I forgot to print a map sheet, but that would be a much bigger lift; would be a separate question later)

I mostly ask because it would include the equipment/perk/etc. tables, kinda like Datasworn & Dataforged, and I wouldn’t presume to release something like that without your blessing or a CC license)

(The itch page does not yet have any files available to purchase/download)

The “ZINE” files seem like they were booklet-printed… twice. Or booklet-ordered and then exported as Spreads?

Like, page 2 of the PDF has pages 1,14,13,2 all in a row.

How? I can’t move either.

not an issue if they’re printed out

change the double sided print

I think OP is talking about reading on a computer.

I think OP meant how the top half of any 8-page-1-sheet zine is upside-down.

I’m not actually suggesting you do this, but some projects publish middle-ground screen PDFs like [same format, but all pages are the same orientation for screen viewing] and [phone PDF with each page on its own]

Minor suggestion: please consider renaming the downloads to all start with “Stravagante - “ or similar?

(I download things periodically and only occasionally organize them, so it’s helpful for group sof files to share a prefix)

No worries, better late than never :)

Would it be alright for me to post an English translation at 8.5”x11” with a link to here?

Note: the downloads have two files whose names are the same as two other files, with no way to know how they’re different.

All better, thanks!

(5 edits)

(The download button doesn’t seem to be working; it opens a new tab and then immediately closes it without doing anything)

All better!

(1 edit)

Minor issue: when I downloaded this yesterday, the filament filename in my downloads folder was something really generic, like game_design.pdf

(1 edit)

Congrats, looking forward to trying this!

Just downloaded, one very minor suggestion:

  • Three of the filenames use spaces and one uses underscores.  Maybe make them all the same?
  • Ditto the "v1.1" appearing in 3 different places in the filename
  • (I like the template "Iron Valley v1.1 ____ by M. Kirin.pdf" like the Moves & Calendar, but obviously pick whatever you want)

-Mr. "Let's make all our downloads share a common prefix" ;)

Note: despite them both saying "deutsch",

  • ItsACultRun_Night-02_deutsch.pdf is the English PDF
  • IACR-Map_Night-02_deutsch.pdf is the German PDF

All-In-One Chart: A single page with all the info you'd need for a game? I can do that.

Oh yay, I came here to suggest maybe doing that with the blank page 12 :)

(I ran the PDF through pdfbook2 today, but decided to hold off on printing/stapling it until I could whip up a useful back cover)

(Probably also on your list, and possibly already done, but: maybe also update the 0D0P table in the book with the update that goes to D10?)

(I also made a 2-page version of your character sheet for duplex printing.  I'm not sure I've ever seen a back-and-front character sheet in the wild, but I've wanted one several times.  Maybe that's just me, though.)

Cool, glad to hear you fixed it!

(Curiosity engaged: did you later find a bug that drove up the runtime?  Is your script on GitHub or similar?)