Thanks for the answer! You might want to make that explicit in the “uncorrected proof copy of this book” paragraph of the store page. :)
Ed Brannin
Creator of
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Neat idea! A few notes:
- Boat does not get recognized on 4x4 (or not when attached to the lower-left, I’m not sure which)
- I don’t think the points-per-minute estimate should be affected by upgrade purchases: generally buying something should only increase PPM, but often it goes negative for a bit after buying something.
This is great! I just made a pull request to add it to awesome-ironsworn.
I’m not actually in the bundle (I don’t really have anything to contribute), but two questions:
- Do you have any contacts at MAP? I wonder if they’re taking a while to respond to questions from itch.
- Just curious, is the expected bundle end-date still the end of the month, or do you anticipate it moving out a bit at this point?
How would you feel about a player-made online, mobile-friendly character sheet & die-roller? And maybe a bit of a noob-card for the basic game loop, page references, etc.
(I haven’t made anything yet. KS backer, I finally started reading it tonight and started thinking about streamlining the record keeping)
(I also thought about map-handling, partly because I forgot to print a map sheet, but that would be a much bigger lift; would be a separate question later)
I mostly ask because it would include the equipment/perk/etc. tables, kinda like Datasworn & Dataforged, and I wouldn’t presume to release something like that without your blessing or a CC license)
Congrats, looking forward to trying this!
Just downloaded, one very minor suggestion:
- Three of the filenames use spaces and one uses underscores. Maybe make them all the same?
- Ditto the "v1.1" appearing in 3 different places in the filename
- (I like the template "Iron Valley v1.1 ____ by M. Kirin.pdf" like the Moves & Calendar, but obviously pick whatever you want)
-Mr. "Let's make all our downloads share a common prefix" ;)
> All-In-One Chart: A single page with all the info you'd need for a game? I can do that.
Oh yay, I came here to suggest maybe doing that with the blank page 12 :)
(I ran the PDF through pdfbook2 today, but decided to hold off on printing/stapling it until I could whip up a useful back cover)
(Probably also on your list, and possibly already done, but: maybe also update the 0D0P table in the book with the update that goes to D10?)
(I also made a 2-page version of your character sheet for duplex printing. I'm not sure I've ever seen a back-and-front character sheet in the wild, but I've wanted one several times. Maybe that's just me, though.)