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A member registered May 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very creative mechanics, nice :)

Hello, bro, bad news: I still don`t know why Construct3 can`t work on Chromebook.

I actually developed it on Unity3D engine. Maybe it will be better.

Tomorrow I will can check this game on chromebook, so maybe I can send you info if it works :)

Thank you that you are (or were but I hope that you are) interested into my project :)

Hey bro, I have little bad and better news:
Bad: I have no fucking idea, why it can`t work on Chromebook;
And its hard to make this game downloadable, because freeware part of Construct3 doesn`t allow it;

I start migrating project into Unity3D. I started yesterday and I see this game will not only playable on, but there will be more development ways :)

And another question: was this game working before?

Hi, thank you for information :)
I am pretty sure that it works correctly on my computer (Windows 10, Google chrome);
I will try to do some research, maybe Construct3 is bad coworker for chromebooks (for example: I couldn`t play Construct3 games on chromebook.

But if you accidentally have other hardware, you can try to play it and check if its related from chromebook;

If any user see this topic, please, tell me if it works and which kind of device (kind of computer, operating system, browser) 

This game is amazing - simple but epic movements and memes.
For example about pay wages or something :D

Conservative with weapon made me dead inside :D