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A member registered Apr 10, 2016

Recent community posts

Amazing! Thank you very much! Regards :)

Hello! Could you please add ladder up/down animations? Thank you!!

Great! Thank you!! :)

This serie is amazing. Thanks for making it. I only miss ladder up/down animations. Would it possible to add them? Thank you!

Thanks a lot for ladder!!!

Hello! Great amount of quality animations. Could you please add ladder up/down animations? Thanks a lot!!

Thanks a lot!! :

Great! Thank you! :)

Hello! Ladder up/down animations would be great. Thank you!

Wow, amazing animations!! Congratulations!

Hello! Great animations! Maybe you can add ladder up/down animations? Thank you!

Great, I will be waiting for it. Regards! :)

Same here... Ladder up/down animations are possible? Thank you!

Great amount of animations. Maybe you can add ladder up/down? Thank you!

Thank you very much!

(1 edit)

Superb pack!! I will purchase it soon. Maybe you can make a pack with a shmup power ups (animated). Something like floating B, P, S, etc. It will be great!! Regards!

This is SUPERB!! Congratulations!

Amazing! THANK YOU!

Wow! Amazing new boss! Thank you!!!! :)

(2 edits)

Wow, GREAT set of animations, including ladder climb, one usually forgotten movement. Thank you!!!

P.S.: No ladder climb for fire sword??

Muchas gracias por la actualización. Espero que sigas trabajando en este proyecto, porque me parece muy interesante. ¡Saludos!

Hello! Is it possible to add ladder up/down movements? I think these movements are very important. Thank you!

Inmediately purchased! Thank you! ;)

Great assets! Just purchased! Thank you!

Great update, as always. Thank you! :)

Superb pack! Congrats!

Maybe swimming? ;P

No jumping animation? :(

Thank you very much, as always!! :)

Great amount of animations and very well done! Thank you!

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for this new update!!! Your designs are amazing!!

Superb! Thank you very much!

Muchas gracias. ¿Tienes pensado ir actualizando el engine con más cosas?


Thank you very much! This is superb! ;)

Amazing quality and amount of animations! Just purchased! :)

Fantástico enemigo. Lo compraré si algún día está rebajado, porque 18€ me parece un poco excesivo, la verdad. Saludos.

Genial, eso sería fantástico. Lo compraré cuando esté incluida. ¡Gracias! :)

Fantástico trabajo, ¡enhorabuena! Es una pena que no esté incluida la animación de subir/bajar escaleras. Mi opinión es que es muy importante para cualquier personaje, pero casi nunca se incluye. Lástima :(

Amazing as usual. Thank you very much!