I honestly don't know either. Maybe the developer will shed some light on this issue for us.
I'll look into this
*I am not planning for a full game but probably will make it when I run out of ideas
as of now I'm just trying out other ideas that you guys might enjoy as well
There will be no updates but there will be a full game released in the near future. The full game will have updates
What operating system? which file did you download?
That is most likely because they keep stepping on it, and it triggers the customer to not order and just disappear, the order menu isn't actually necessary to make weapons. Also why are you throwing order charts at people? XD
Please post the bugs you found here
You can suggest whatever you want, I will see it and might reply (It might even be added in the full game)
the one you have played is the prototype
I'm hoping to port it to that too, but that price tag is too expensive, 1,100 CAD
I'm quite flattered, thanks for making a video and linking the game! :D
I don't really know :P Sorry, I couldn't think of a good way to get bars in 3 days
Thanks Yando!, I'm honestly quite flattered you enjoyed it