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A member registered Mar 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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very cute! would be nice if i could input my birthday tho (its on the 30th and thats not an option rip)

easier to work with than most drawing programs

this is awesome!!! i feel the need to mention tho in case its a bug that, at least for me on the web ver, whenever my cursor goes over certain white-coloured pixels, they disappear. it was still a great game story wise and aesthetically though


idk how to get past the level where we "make our own rule" and you have to pull down the laughs. for some reason no matter what i do whenever i drag down the "he he he" it doesn't work. i've tried waiting until the line was over, midway through the line, clicking, dragging, holding. idk what i can do :(

(1 edit)

gotta say that suddenly seeing an email saying a game called STOP BURYING ME ALIVE, BEAUTIFUL! was just posted surprised yet intrigued me. gotta save this for later when i get the common urge to be buried alive

listen i love all your games and this one is very sweet but. i've gotta say i'm getting a bit concerned over how many of these are based off of real life/true stories

same dude i had like a bunch of stuff to do and in my head i was just going "dw angela he uploaded a new game all is good in the world" the whole time