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A member registered Oct 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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thanks! just added the soundtrack as an mp3 download in case anyone's interested :)

just released a new version where "move" is the default action on mobile (and got rid of mobile attack-move, no reason to support it there i think). thanks for the good suggestion!

(1 edit)

hey thanks for playing and for the feedback. screen space is super limited so i opted for a more zoomed out view, unfortunately at that resolution it means large clumps of units do render as a mass of pixels. it's a tradeoff i had to accept with the platform constraints.

on enemy unit labeling, if blue/purple look too similar, you can also try changing player colors (in the menu screen, press "z" (or the "o" button) to cycle through choices that might have more contrast. i'll take this into consideration though

as for retreating, on desktop/handheld doing a move order should work, but i'm guessing you're playing on mobile? to retreat you will have to tap the action button twice to get to a move-only action instead of an attack-move action (mentioned under the touchscreen tutorial), which you can see in this gif:

it defaults to attack-move as i thought it'd be more useful to have quickly available on desktop (since right-click is already move), but actually maybe i could flip the default when the controls are set to touch...