More romance with the pai pls
Recent community posts
Agreed. This game had a lot of promise, but it's nearly impossible to play since there are no hints or clues for each route. It seems like a ton of extra days, areas, and characters were randomly added in after the demo for no good reason. It would have been way better to have more completed storylines with a few main characters than to be able to go to a gas station and a river, etc.. The game is also marketed as if there are lots of romance options, but there are really only a few. Some of the other characters only appear a few times. If the dev won't do it, I wish people in the community with skills could remake games like this that could have been really great.
Yes, many of us played the original demo, which was adult. This is why it was confusing when the game later became 12+ and why it has been disappointing that there has not been a lot of progress on the adult version.
I am not trying to be rude. It just feels like I was supporting a specific adult project that sudden;y became focused on many other versions of the game, which has led to delays and a lot of upset people who also just want to play the adult version.
The product is excellent. Many people just want the full and finished experience for their $.