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A member registered Oct 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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heheh love the art and the controls, feels free and spacy in a good way.  Also love the crab, silly little guy :D

Holy moly!! the art is hella nice and love all the little animations, the collisions are a bit silly at times but great job nonetheless

super cute and fun as a platformer :D

wish it was longer but you guys did a good job in the small time

the animations and art style are really nice, the hitboxes and animation duration could be tweaked but it is otherwise a nice first one :D

The idea was neat but why use AI? there were many artist's in here/ stock images can be good visuals if used correctly

won in 00:01 seconds B)

but the art style is neat! A bit laggy but fun :D

very silly I like it :D
sadly i dont understand slot machines :b

was a bit confused on what the story/ idea is but I dont care this was really fun!!

Omgg really silly! Love the simple art style and the sfx, music was also banging!

BEST GAME!! I love the consept and art direction!!! death sound fx my love <3

Couldn't get past the coltrol list, also why would you use AI? there were so many talented artists in here.

this was neat! I dont like how the momentum works but it might be more of a preferenc :D

I like the idea of this but sad to see that the visuals weren't as polished

ooh I like the art and the music! Very cool and swag

fun game play, wish it would explain itself a bit better was kinda of confused.
Banger music!!

OOoooohh!! I really liked the art style and the idea! Can't wait to see what you guys will come up with for the next update :D

very interesting and challenging :D
Wish restarting was a bit easier than just closing the window

Love the idea and the mechanics are great! 

Silly mouse game but was a bit confused on what I was suppose to do, why I did or when did I loose and when did I win

oohh I really like the vibe and the idea of this game! Could have benefited from a control list since I couldn't pick up any flowers :(
Other wise nice walking simulator :D

the menu was a silly little surprise and mostly enjoyed the challenge, the mouse sensitivity could have had a slider or just made a bit slower :D

space bar didn't work at times but Pauli did good job with the music :D

I like the sticky platforms but the coding could have used some extra care and love

good job tho :D

I love the theme being implimented in the game! Very swag very pog (didn't go insane due to the music)

I suck at 2d platformers but this was fun :D defenetly would have benefited from more time on the timer 

ooohhh I love the style and idea of it! very swag very cool