Actually, in Norway we power buses using magic, that's why there is no driver.
In all seriousness, I was funnily enough just working on this when I saw your reply, the next update will have a real human being behind the wheel!
And yes, we plan on releasing here as well :)
Skaar Game Productions
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As I struggle to focus on just a single project at a time, I've started a new project I've been thinking about for a long time (a very long time!). This time I stepped to the side, and didn't go for a horror game. This time I'm making an RPG! Inspired by old school RuneScape, this game is tile based, tick based (0.6 sec per tick), and has a similar skill and inventory system. At the moment I don't know where this project is going, as I've got another big project in the works (check out Fear the Phantom), but if people are interested, I'd love to continue this new project.
Anyway, here is the first devlog of the game. Enjoy! (Link to game page here)
To support me, the best ways are by following me on Twitter or subscribing to my YouTube.
That's some great feedback, really appreciate that :) It'll help me in making the full game. I'm going to put more work in it, and add animations and such instead of just freezing the camera on pickups.
Thanks for telling me about the windows button. Is that all I have to do, or do I have to select the executable or something?
Hey, thank for you playing the game! I really liked your video, you're very entertaining to listen to. I appreciate the feedback as it will help me improve the game.
You are right that this game will have a different take on the horror genre compared to other similar games. Part 2 will not be as linear as the one you played, and could be concidered open world (although not the biggest world).
Will be great seeing you play through the full game in the future :)