is there any major difference between this version and the steam version?
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Dammit! 😭🫠 I knew something would wind up slipping. Thanks for letting me know I’ll be sure to fix it! And yay! This is such a sweet message I am very glad you enjoyed it so much! After a little break chapter 3 will be started which I’m actually really excited for as things get more into the nitty gritty and plot related!
Also if you are enjoying this game keep an eye out for sometime in 2024 as I have plans to be posting a new side project game revolving around Alice in wonderland.
hello! So glad you are looking forward to the update! As for the errors I catch them when I get the chance as I am a full time college student as well as having a part time job and this is a WIP so it’s going to happen. But last I checked there weren’t to many typos or grammatical errors that I hadn’t caught. Let alone enough to ruin the experience. Hope you continue to enjoy the game though. And once it’s completed the errors will all be taken care of.