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Eka Griffin

A member registered Jan 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Anastasia (Programmer/Music composer, and a very little bit of art)  here!

All three of us thank you for your fedback! It's our first game and even the smallest coment means so much for us!

AAAHHHH I KNOOOOW its the moooost annoying thing and idk how to fix it, I honestly HONESTLY tried.\

thank you loots for the rest! 

Cant wait for you to! Erica definetly drew some lit frames for the cutscene  ( ;

Anastasia (Programmer/Music composer, and a very little bit of art)  here!

All three of us thank you for your fedback! It's our first game and even the smallest coment means so much for us!

Hope you enjoyed playing through!

Anastasia (Programmer/Music composer, and a very little bit of art)  here!

All three of us thank you for your fedback! It's our first game and even the smallest coment means so much for us!

Also I am flattered abt the music thing  I was actually very worried  it would become very annoing bcs of restarting every time you change the scene (Idk how to avoid that >~<). thanks again!