This game is unworthy of the word "game". At best, somebody at some point was seriously trying to make a game, put some real effort in, then gave up or lost interest in an extremely early proof-of-concept alpha build. Then somebody, maybe someone else, just published it as is for a quick buck. I worry for the rest of the bundle now. Edit:tried 3 other games from the bundle, all of them were not worth paying a cent for.
Recent community posts
Amazing game! Am I the only one who thought the Kitsune boss was a dick in the eye though? "All the things I've learned--all things I've applied aren't helping me! [She's] just fucking wrecking me!"
Was not prepared for things to get so Touhou so fast. I gave up after an hour and dropped the difficulty and still barely won. That was at level 9.
If there was some mechanic like a particular weakness that makes the encounter more manageable, it was apparently real easy to miss. Doesn't help that you have no access to storage, shop, etc at this point.
I wouldn't have even batted an eye or asked the question if the rest of the game hadn't been exemplary in terms of polish, design and difficulty curve.
I am not sure if this is a bug, but on my current file I cannot seem to get Stella's skill upgrade where she learns pocket sand. Just to be clear, what flags are prerequisite for that event?
I remember just doing it sometime shortly before the endgame last release and now I can't remember exactly how I did.
I'm curious if it is planned for this to be the only way to progress the plot, or if alternative methods of moving things along with Stella and Jade will be included.
If not, I can see why people might be bummed not just because Stella gets mean, but the player's ONLY means of progressing the story is to cave and do something that seems legitimately pretty darn shady.
I wanted to agree that the executioner feels awkward and maybe even incoherent in the story's current incarnation.
It doesn't even make sense for Gina to be so incredulous about how big her mom was in that old picture because by then she's already seen the walking fridge woman that gives no fucks and doesn't particularly care for her job or have any investment in what's going on.
Given what the game is themed on, having the largest character so far coming across as virtually an afterthought is an . . . interesting choice. It would be like casting Roger Federer in The Prince of Tennis as a towel boy.