I like your work. Will do more than just follow your artwork as u r a teacher to learn art style dat peaks contrast of work is accepted as modern art form.
Recent community posts
Ok I love the update. Alot of my problems of the game where answered by experimenting.
The navigation wheel is the stop exchange of any position.
And the dancing was the best part.
However. I like plumb juicy women. Sooooo being able to create more dynamic of a person's choice of my body type. Not sure if u can now.
The under side of the boobs does not fill out.
And it seems a max set on the ass. As well penis.
Everything seems to be in working order.
I did miss the opportunity to check all sex positions because I got stuck in refrigerator of the game.
Idk how. But no way to navigate out. I did purchase this update. Very worth it.
Their is soooo many interesting stories. My person could sea a bit more back story before accident.
As bit more characters met before the accident as... Influential two building as a priest...(( Interesting concept of bedding the nuns. How faith could play with the milf figure or two. ))
A fight or two over nurses. Would be interesting change in events of two prove looks have worth in this game.
Wanna be apart of beta testing dat is why i made my comments.
However it has glitch on after u have paid donations two be a priest. It does not move two do anything with any nuns. ((( Sad )))
Or show any more exposure two the community of the church.
Sooooooo much u can do with this game as is....even with your current development. idk what else could be added as extra.