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A member registered Jul 10, 2017

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Haven't had much chance against the "big" enemies yet, but really enjoyed the game so far. (Didn't expect -that- tf, but no complaints here.

馃檪 high quality work from this developer as always

:) Like all the characters, but love Neri, probably my favourite in the entire game.

(1 edit)

I don't think this game is for me.
I refuse to hypnotise people / act like a total evil douche-bag in this game, so I suppose that means I won't really get anywhere.

Played for about 2 hours, only used the Control power on Pixie ('cause the game forced me to). Had absolutely -zero- interest in forcing anyone to do anything else at a loss for words.

Andromeda Six is...a fantastic game, one of the best VN's I've  played to date. Good writing, fantastic artwork and most importantly? CHOICE.
So much CHOICE, so many options, so much to discover.

"Name your own price"? I promise :)  I'll happily pay, this game is gold.
I'm really excited for it, and to see more when new chapters arrive.

Thank you for letting me try this...  I love A6

:( I'm afraid so.
The project (and the demo) are -really- well made, and I'm so sad to see it gone.
At some point, not long after the demo was released, the communication from Novella gaming became more and more scarce.

We can only imagine something happened, that made it difficult to finish the game. (Probably ran out of money).
It's unfortunate, had hoped the very least, they managed to type a message that the project is dead, would be easier for everyone to move on, and not hope for an eventual lifesign, indefinetly