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Electric Wizard

A member registered Jul 25, 2017

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You can do it DGR. I remember you playing that Mario Maker level with hard jumps, where you kept falling due to winds. You ripped your shirt when you finally made it. Good stuff.

Ps. You ever watched some Midna Light back in the day? (midna GamerDog nowadays) He played crazy kaizo stuff and edited the videos nicely, showing his progression and then the final run at the end. Was really into it for a while. I think I watched more Mario Maker than I played heh.

Game looks gorgeous. Can't wait to play. The short movie it was based upon for anyone reading:

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Really loved the pixel art and writing in this one. Heck I'd even show my support to the dev with a small fee. 5k however is out of my price range for sure lol! 

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The diagonal stripe thing never occurred to me! Just bought the game :-)

Thx for the fast reply


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Played the demo. I really love the visual design, it's downright awesome. And with the ship design to go along with it, I got some top down F-Zero vibes just looking at the screenshots. So I had to try it out.

I like the handling as well, but I think the game would benefit greatly from a bit more zoomed out perspective. You can't see much ahead in the track as is, and the way the ships drift through the corners you need to engage into the turn beforehand, to maintain a good racing line. That's hard to do if you can't really see the turns coming, if that makes sense. To illustrate the problem, if you watch the video user 'ezez game' posted below, you see it in the driving. There's a a lot of going the wrong way and bouncing around in the turns.

Through memorization of the tracks you can to an extent negate the issue, but I'd still like a larger visual range to get by on. Were you to adress this, I'd happily purchase this otherwise delightful little racing game. Well done.

Tried it on mac (High Sierra), doesn't work. Just a tiny, black dialog box pops up, nothing happens.