Awesome, thank you so much for the clarifications!! And good luck on the crowdfunding too! C:
Electrum Glitches
A member registered Nov 23, 2016 · View creator page →
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I started playing this game yesterday and I've been really loving it!! The different grids, the different roll tables, the vibes and all the rest of the game are really fun and unique. Making Home-Ships is a lot of fun.
I do however, have a few questions that I just can't find the answers for. I'm not sure if they're answered in the discord or in parts of the book I just missed, but I figure if I have these questions, others probably do too.
- Exploration is on hex grids, construction is on square grids. The weapons all have ranges, but the Titan Edition rulebook doesn't say anything about what sort of map/grid combat takes place on. Is it a hex grid, or a square grid, either, or can you do combat gridless?
- I love the factions and the standing system, but I'm curious how they interact with missions. Are we running mission For Factions (like a mercenary), are we running missions Against Factions (we don't like them so we attack them), or something else?
- The Quick Mission Generation is neat! I'm curious about how it relates to the Hexflowers; does the quick mission method just "ignore" the exploration mechanics in favor of the players just doing an improv / vibes-based playthrough? (ie. you skip rolling on the Hexflowers and just decide what comes next).
- Last question for now, when it comes to Doing Things during a mission outside of combat, how do you do an action? The book mentions Establish Details and Take Risky Actions. Last night when I was playing, I landed on the event "You find a ship (N) requesting assistance from you." This is not combat (by default), so I wouldn't need to do a combat encounter. But I'm curious how I would "do something" here. Would I be able to Establish Details to, for example, say "they have a broken part which can be replaced by something from my mech" and "just do that" so now it's fixed? Would I be able to use a Take Risky Action to establish some sort of danger to the scene, and then have to try to avoid the established risks? It seems like actions outside of combat mostly just Get Done, but sometimes they work and something bad happens.
Sorry for the question spam! I've been really enjoying playing through this and want to deepen my understanding of the game. Keep up the good work!!