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A member registered Apr 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you! and yes this is my first project I've been learning C# and Unity for the last couple months in my spare time from coding books and Youtube tutorials and have really only been practicing until i saw an occasion arise and the core mechanics came from me trying to design my own crop system for Vr. The game has a long way to go for sure but I'm hoping i can make something really cool and just keep building on it i really appreciate the support it helps keep the spirits up

Hey thanks for the feedback had fun on this game jam and learned a great deal!! Going to be trying out some new stuff and seeing where i can go with this and hope to have some new stuff to display shortly after the jam is over.

Thank you i appreciate the feedback will work on that and rebuild, the idea came from Vr with Andrew  and his tutorial series on a pour effect.