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A member registered Jan 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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(Responding one month later bc I didnt saw this before, SORRY MY BAD JAHSGDKJDKLXDDD)
It is actually planned but for a bossfight!

Looks like youre running it in a very old software so that must be the problem, try running it on a different whateveryouhave thing


I have no idea wdym with that but thanks!

Puede que haga un port cuando el juego esté listo KJKGHJFGFDGS




Is possible, but I'm not updating this anymore unless I think is really needed, so not gonna happen LOL


Es normal esa, suele pasar por problemas de hardware, mas que nada por la tarjeta grafica. Imagino que habrán formas de hacerlo mas optimizado de todos modos, pero yo ya hice lo que pude con la update 2.0.0 AKLSJHKDGJAKJHSDKJXD

De todos modos si eso aun no es suficiente, la version LowEnd debería bastar, ya que está hecha para correr en dispositivos mas debiles

I already knew it would work but anyways yayy ASDHASDKLAJHXD

ASDHJKGHJASKHDKLJÑAD yeah I constantly check my notifications so I saw your response, hope it works!

Oh yeah thanks a lot! This error happens depending of your hardware. If you can't try it on a better computer, try with selecting "Half" size screen in the options screen. If it still doesn't work, you can try the LowEnd version of Rap Remix which should run with better perfomance on less powerful computers

Game Maker 8 (Original Version), Game Maker Studio 1.4 (Updated version)

Big Oof


That shouldn't happen. Try opening the project with the Import option and try different Game Maker versions

Yeah GMS kinda made a mess in the gamefolder, just create a shortcut so you don't have to look for it anymore LOL

Open ParappaRapRemix.exe, is in the game folder





I can TOTALLY understand what you're saying because I was in the same boat. I also struggled a lot with the same notechart mapping problem. You can use the Rap Remix engine if you want to, but you would need to modify it more than the usual in order to have different stages in the game instead of just one. And about the time, no need to worry, rushing games is exactly what makes games like Sonic 2006 be Sonic 2006. If sometimes needs to take you  time, then so be it. Even if it takes you months, make sure to take your time, and obviously make sure to enjoy what you do, because if you don't, then you will leave it unfinished and hate what you created (I'm on that boat right now LOL)

Okay so I tried this bc there's almost no parappa fangames, I HAD to check this.

The idea of a PJ game about being a DJ isn't exactly a "Woah thats so unique", but I like it, bc after all nobody had maked it real anyways.

I don't want to judge things like the "lol moment" cutscenes or the boring tutorial stage bc obviously the game is a demo so is not totally polished at all.

Instead I want to give feedback of the game itself. My first impression were the DJ scratches sfxs, they're always the same with no variation at all, so it gets kinda annoying to hear after... Dunno, 1 minute LOL

My reccomendation would be have different variations of the sfx for every button (for example one for triangle, one for circle, ect), this would be kinda repetitive too, but would work better than just always the same.

For the stages, I love some of them, I mean the ideas are cool, but the DJ sfxs just feels off in most of the moments. That makes me go to the notechart/mapping. The HUD buttons are placed in moments where the sfxs doesnt feel correctly placed in the song so it just feels weird sometimes

Also this is just a standart on parappa games (except parappa 2) but the timming is kinda "AAA WHY IT SAYS I DID IT WRONG" sometimes but at this point Im used to it LOL

Now the good stuff. I LOVE the game is on 3D, the animations are weird, yeah, but is still impressive considering no one (as far I know) had done a Parappa fangame in 3D.

I also love the game does have a plot, it kinda feels like a excuse to make the plot stuff happen so we can play, but is a Parappa game so I'm okay with silly plots.

And I love the DJ bot, no idea if is a OC or a official rodney character but I love the desing.

And I have to mention the multiple gamepad icons, that's cool ngl.

I know making games can be kinda hard bc, well, I do it too, so I can appreciate this not only from the poinf of view of a player, but as a developer too.

I'm not the more experienced game dev on the world, and I think Im very far from that, but I think I can say this does have potencial, and if it is fully explored we can have something really cool here.

Hope to see how much/if it envolves in the SAGE2025! Keep working on it! You gotta believe!

Si lo hago. Holaa

Well is a Portal 2D recreation so I had to make Chell playable AKJSDHAKSDHAKSDH Tysm anyways for being interested on it!

no problem LOL

(1 edit)

1) That game already exists in first place
2) Making a game can (and will) take months, even years, Rap Remix took me 11 months. I have absolutely no reason to "waste" that amount of time working on someone else's game instead of working on my own (Unless it gives me money somehow or something, bc that would be basically being paid for a work LOL)
and 3) Even if this game didnt existed yet and I wanted to spend time making it, why would you really want to play a "yeah play this one time and then never touch it again in your life" game that much LOL

I have never played the og game anyways ASLKDKASLDXD

JKASHDKASHDKASHJDXD I already did a tutorial anyways LOL

The banner just have been updated! Total credits for that to Oliver Volcano again, he really does some cool banners!

You surely are! GLaD you liked it!

I intentionally let the game keep the cool rank while spamming I GOTTA in this stage bc is based on this:

I cant believe I didnt noticed before LOL

Im used to it LOL

Hope it happens!

Very surely is bc your computer is old, the game needs to save in memory a lot of things so that data is not loading in mid gameplay and start lagging in the middle of the song, which can be very annoying and create desyncronization