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A member registered Nov 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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A lot of men don't like playing games with a female protagonist and a lot of girls don't like playing games with a male protagonist. Since the vast majority of people playing lewd games are men you tend to make a lot less off of projects with a female lead. Naturally there are exceptions tho :p

Thx ^^
I also really like doing games with a female mc, but it's a lot less popular.

sure, swapped it :p

Dont know how id fix that without messing up other stuff, sorry :c

Added an infinite mode, but after a while it gets really tricky to keep up :p

Wow, very impressive ^^

Glad you liked it <3
Being possible to beat the game without any orbs is intended but it's not a challenge i think most people would enjoy :p

+5:46 is really impressive :)

Aww, that was really sweet ^^

I don't think I'm the target audience for this kind of thing, but I'm always impressed by artists who dedicate themselves to their craft without compromising.

oh, I'll look that over the next time I update something. I kinda had the intention that you'd be able to beat it without using any of the advanced movement :p

Thx for playing ^^

it wasnt in the original design, but i could add it if the other developer thinks it's a good idea :)

far end of the room, like away from where you start.

In the latest version each secret unlocks new bonus art. But it's not needed to beat the demo :3

Im pretty sure that atm there is one in each room and 5 in the courtyard.

Don't worry, you can beat the demo with just normal jumps and a bit of sneaking :p

Does the compass work? It's at least intended to point you in the right direction :)

Yea ^^ I really like when you get a chance to do something interesting with the UI :)

Yea, it was a tight deadline to hit :p
Those things have been fixed now at least ^^

Nice ^^
It was really fun working with someone else on a project like this :)

yea id forgot to link it to the ending screen :|
Works now :)

are you sure you downloaded the right file? in the current version you end up at a scene every time you're caught

Like if you get caught by the monster?

now :p
But they're without sound until tomorrow

Fixed now ^^

ah, tend to be like that at the start of a new update. Im pretty sure what all of those issues are. thx for the heads up ^^

aww, that's so sweet <3

I might do some more stuff if people seem interested.
But I kind of have to focus on the stuff people are paying for :p

it seems to be working fine?
What kind of error are you getting?
Like can't you unpack the file? Or you can't open the game after unpacking?

that's super nice ^^
But i can't divert more time towards this. Already used 2 weeks that i didnt work on my main game :p

try using winrar, tend to not have those kinda errors.

some easier enemies are marked with a * and some harder enemies are marked with a !. Makes it easier to figure out who might be too difficult :)

you can discard cards at any time. It says so in the tutorial/help menu + in the bottom right corner of the screen during encounters :)

I liked it.

I don't know what that is :|

I'm not sure where that'd fit in tbh :p

ty ^^

Yea ill come up with something. Thx ^^

Like to me it doesn't feel very controversial compared to a lot of other stuff going on in games. +Compared to all of the other characters Ruby is pretty outspoken about being promiscuous. 

I could be wrong though... it can be kinda hard to figure out what guys want sometimes.

Picking a good class combination makes the game go from almost impossible to trivial. If you're struggling at any point you can change your class in the same menu where you learn new skills.

Yes Thief is not optimal for some of Laura's quests but changing class should solve that too :p

Some destinations are better suited for certain play-styles. I don't think there's any build that does well everywhere.

Thank you, I'm really glad you liked it <3
If you have more questions you can ask me or a more veteran player at

Aww ty for playing <3