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A member registered Nov 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice lil game, i liked it. It’s funny how a porn game lets me quickswap guns to shoot even faster.

(2 edits)

Im liking a lot about the game and i want to give some suggestions: it needs options for mouse look sensitivity and control binding, those are fundamental for accessibility. also cant go wrong with a fov option. You need to figure out how to make sound play in stereo/3d, its important to know where enemies are without looking. The shotgun firing 5 pellets in such a wide spread is just bad, ether make it like 15 pellets and/or tighten the spread. You also need to figure out how to make the grenade not collide with the player, at least on its first frames of spawning

Really nice really cool game, i love it. Got some technical suggestions; put the +INTERPOLATEANGLES flag on the laser sight so it rotates smoothly and add an option for the tank turning not changing directions when going backwards.