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A member registered Jul 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Game title: Dim

Pitch: 2-D Stealth-Puzzle game where you must take over your enemies to complete the level.

I'd like feedback on: pretty much anything. This is the first game we made, and we'd love to get feedback on the concept, the execution and really what you think of the game.

Thanks for the feedback! Really glad you liked that music build up

We just updated the game with new levels!

Hello everyone!

We got a few comments from the community saying our submission, Dim, is fun but needed more levels. In our newest update we added 15 new levels to the game, along with other updates and options. You can read the full update list between all versions on our Devlog on the game page.

Dim is a stealth-puzzle game where you must Dim The World. Take control of enemies and turn off their lights while avoiding the light yourself, for the light hates you just as much as you hate it.

This is the final update we're posting for the Jam, and we'd love to hear your opinions on the game. If you have any comments about changes, criticism or anything else, please send it to us!

We hope you enjoy it!

Thanks! We're working on more levels right now, actually!

Thank you! We're working on more levels right now, in fact.

As for graphics, we really wanted something simple that still keeps the feeling of the game. Maybe after the Jam we'll work something out.

Thank you!

(2 edits)

Our new game, Dim, is out now in its first version!

Dim is a stealth-puzzle game about darkening the world and switching control over different characters, made for the My First Game Jam: Summer 2020 which is ongoing right now.

Honestly, we have no clue what to write in a DevLog, so we'll just go with it and see where it goes!

Team and Tools:

The game was made by myself and dschein (itch username), and we worked together designing and building the game from the ground up with the Godot engine and a few graphical tools like GIMP, Inkscape, Tilesetter etc.

Planning and Development:

When we saw the "Change" theme for the jam, we thought it would be cool to have a game where you can "change" characters while playing, essentially taking over them.

We were actually going in a completely different direction with this "change character" mechanic, but ended up agreeing it would work great in a puzzle game with some stealth elements so we went in that direction instead, to make it simple and fun.

The sort of "neon" theme of the game also contributed to the simplicity of the experience and keeping the theme of light and darkness, as well as not having to do graphics that were too crazy for our skill-level. What we got at the end is a very simple art-style with a sort of dark atmosphere around it, ranging from the title to the actual objective of the game.


In Dim, you are tasked with dimming every object and character in the level. We really wanted to give the player an opportunity to plan things out their own way, make a unique path so he can get all objects in the level while also not being caught by the patrolling guards moving around, so it creates a dynamic challenge that we will expand on in future levels.

As for how you dim objects, we implemented a system that lets you switch control over all the light-producing objects in the level. This includes stationary objects as well as enemies, giving us a range of interesting opportunities to work into levels for the game and allowing to player to map out different paths through big branching levels if he wishes. When your controlled character is dimmed, you will return to the previous character, until you dim the player character itself and finish the level.

Due to the light theme, we made damage a visible property in the lighting of the player character. When a red light shines on you, you will start lighting up yourself, until you get a Game Over. Lighting up also causes you to be easier to detect, making it harder and harder to finish the level once you start messing up.

Currently, we uploaded only one level designed to show the main aspects of our gameplay.


We got a lot of feedback from friends and users about the game, and we intend on implementing changes before the Jam ends:

  • More levels - the game is too short right now. We intend on adding several playable levels to the game.
  • Improved controls - with the current K&M setup, the game is pretty annoying for laptop users. We intend on adding some control options and improvements.
  • Music and sounds - the game is currently lacking in the audio department, which would really enhance the experience and feel of the game.
  • General improvements - level timers, pause button, clear instruction on how to play, fix bugs etc.

We will update the DevLog with the new versions that we upload, so stay tuned for that if you're interested I guess.

Updatey Stuff!

20/7 - Version 1.1 is here!

After yesterday's release, we listened to a lot of feedback on the game and worked hard to fix some of the most pressing issues. These include:

  • Bug Fix: Player can glitch through walls.
  • Bug Fix: Lights go through walls when too close.
  • Bug Fix: Instructions were cut off from the "How To Play" window.
  • Added light occlusions to objects and enemies, so now they cast a shadow.
  • Added pause button.
  • Added main menu and game music.

Of course, we are continuing to work through the feedback that we got and making this game the best we can.

Our next goal is to implement a better control scheme and some more options into the game before jumping in and making new levels to play and expanding the gameplay.

We would love to hear feedback and opinions about our game, and we hope you enjoy it!

23/7 - Version 1.2

We took the last couple of days to expand the feeling of the game and improve the gameplay experience a little. Here are some of the changes we've done:

  • Added settings menu - display, audio and control settings are implemented and are saved for the next time you boot up
  • Alternate control system - we got a few comments, especially from Laptop users, that the K&M control scheme is not ideal. We've added an option to control the game with just the keyboard, moving the cursor with the arrow keys instead of the mouse.
  • Improved "Change" system - as for how you take over different enemies, we've added a visual effect of your line of control, and made an "Area-of-control" radius around your character. Outside of this radius, a character cannot be taken over.
  • Player UI - we've added a UI layer to the game, telling the player how much time he has spent in a level and the progress he has made.
  • Credits screen - we actually wanted to put this earlier but just forgot. Now you know the music is from the incredible Kevin MacLeod and we'll add credits when needed to this screen.

We are currently working on expanding the gameplay aspect, adding more levels and mechanics. We hope to add a few more updated before the Jam is over.