Very good game and very funny!
Turning a clicker into an action game is a great idea and made me laugh out loud. With a little polish, such as juiciness or signs and feedback, it could have won for sure!
I loved the game, really super funny and the art direction is magnificent! With a little story and everything, really really good!
It's a great idea for the items to lock in place when you're passing points. Not at all punishing and great, fun to play.
I did 121m at my first attempt! (but I admit to having use bug a bit... xD)
Super cool! I recommend! (Vous avez dead ça)
A really cute game that's been made with love, and it shows. I know it's complicated but if you want to improve:
I think adding just a few sounds can make all the difference, trying to make the lines you have to do more visible, and also maybe encouraging the player to do silly things (that's where I laughed the most).
Thank you very much, great game! (I loved seeing my mischief afterwards on the following screens)