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A member registered Aug 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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I do not know this song, but I'll give it a listen!

I am glad the game made you feel things - hopefully it was still an "enjoyable" experience, as enjoyable as reading tragedy/drama can be.

Mental health is always a tough nut to crack... And so hard to get out of negative cycles. I hope things will get better, or that at least they are bearable for you. Take care.

Hey Cme_rollin! Thanks for the feedback. Can you tell me where you played (in the browser or if you downloaded the files), and in which resolution?

(1 edit)

Hi :) ! Some parts depends on other colors in the game. For exemple, in the "The sun was setting fire to the sky" chapter, the left branch is the color of the couch you picked in the green sky chapter (when the girls pick the colors they want for their future home).
The warm afternoon depends on a color in the first sky, with the spring blue sky. I don't want to say too much, but if you need more precisions feel free to ask! :)
(and thanks for playing the game! It warms my heart to see people really dig into the story that way ;;/)